This fund is now closed for applications. Applicants will be contacted in due course.
Inspiring Scotland, in partnership with Scottish Government, are delighted to announce the launch of a fund to help improve the understanding of autism in Scotland amongst non-autistic individuals.
This fund aims to address the real lack of understanding across Scottish society about the needs of autistic people and the challenges that they face, but also about their strengths and what they can offer society. We are continuing to work hard to ensure the programme is guided, at all times, by autistic people, whose voice must be at the centre of all that we do.
On behalf of Scottish Government, we are seeking applications for proposals that will raise understanding of autism amongst the non-autistic population, helping to change behaviour and make Scotland a more accessible and inclusive society.
Understanding autism in the employment context and in local communities have been chosen as the priority themes at this stage.
If you have any questions about the fund or application process, please email before 4pm on 19 August 2019.
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