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A Practitioner’s Guide: Getting started with Bushcraft - Inspiring Scotland


A Practitioner’s Guide: Getting started with Bushcraft


Its a Scout leader takeover! 

This week’s guest blogger is Ignacio Luna Borras – Scout leader and founder of Earth Nature Adventures who shares his hints and tips on getting started with Bushcraft  and how it can offer up the opportunity to experience more outdoor learning and the chance to connect more deeply with nature.




Views from Home

A new report, Views from Home, captures the views and experiences of children, young people and families supported through intandem and what more must be done. Funded from the Promise Partnership in 2021 intandem sought to understand more where mentoring adds value, where there are gaps and what can be done to develop intandem in the way

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SiRD Progress Update

The latest SiRD 2021 progress report.

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Insights on the Cost of Living

Throughout autumn of 2022  Inspiring Scotland teams worked with portfolio partners to gather and share insights on what the pressure that the increased cost of living is having on people and the funded charities we support. Our fund teams gathered and shared information from portfolio partners about: How concerned they are about cost of living

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