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A Practitioner’s Guide: Home-Schooling Ideas for Outdoor Learning - Inspiring Scotland


A Practitioner’s Guide: Home-Schooling Ideas for Outdoor Learning


Taking home-schooling outdoors!

Top Tips for Incorporating Outdoor learning into your home-schooling schedule!

Once again we all find ourselves in the midst of another lockdown with the prospect of becoming ‘teacher’ as well as parent again seeming rather daunting to many of us. But fear not the Thrive Outdoors team are on hand with some tips and resources to help make home-schooling MORE fun (and of course educational) for everyone! We are sharing 4 activities -one for each ‘school’ day. These activities are brilliant for breaking up the day and getting everyone outdoors away from the screens




Increasing Understanding of Autism Programme- Progress Report

Read about what funded projects have been doing over the last six months from January-August 2020 with an update on the Increasing Understanding of Autism Programme impact over this time.

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Link Up: Local People Building Flourishing Communities

For people to thrive, three things really matter: supportive relationships, confidence and self-esteem. Seven years of Inspiring Scotland’s Link Up programme has demonstrated beyond doubt that these three things are not only fundamental human needs essential for individual wellbeing, they are the foundations on which individuals and communities can change things for the better. Find out

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Video: Outdoor ELC for Parents: Why do parents choose an outdoor nursery experience for their child?

Parents share their experiences and reasons for choosing an outdoor nursery in Scotland for their child. ‘From One Parent to Another.’

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