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A Practitioner’s Guide: The joy of wintertime outdoor play - Inspiring Scotland


A Practitioner’s Guide: The joy of wintertime outdoor play


Time to embrace winter weather!

This week’s guest blog is from Dr Claire Warden from Mindstretchers Academy. In this blog Dr Claire shares how she believes embracing winter can bring about many new opportunities for outdoor play and learning as well as some top tips on keeping warm and dry.

An interesting and informative read on the joys of embracing winter weather.




Creative Communities Case Study: Create Inspire

We are sharing a number of case studies from our charity partners who are part of the Creative Communities programme. Based in the North West, Create Inspire Projects CIC provides creative and participatory film, singing and theatre arts workshops for remote communities in the North West of Scotland. This particular project commenced in March 2021.

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A practitioner’s guide to What to Wear

  Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play. Help – We have no idea what to wear outdoors The right clothing is key to ensuring that time outdoors with children is as enjoyable as possible. A little planning and thought can prevent us from being distracted and/or miserable due

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Bringing Outdoor ELC to the Botanics – Blog 1

  This week sees the start of an exciting collaboration between the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), Inspiring Scotland’s Thrive Outdoors team, the University of Edinburgh and two Edinburgh-based Early Learning and Childcare settings; Edzell Nursery and Outdoor Nursery Edinburgh (ONE). Is it possible to have an outdoor Early Learning and Childcare setting within a

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