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A practitioner's guide to hand drying - Inspiring Scotland


A practitioner’s guide to hand drying


Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play.

Help! – How do we dry hands, kill germs and save the planet?

Cleanliness of hands after washing is a priority, so how important is hand drying, in achieving clean hands? The transmission of bacteria is more likely to occur from wet skin than from dry skin; therefore, the proper drying of hands after washing is critical to maintaining clean hands.


Active Play Prospectus 2019

Active Play promotes greater physical activity for Scotland’s children in a way that is fun, inclusive and active. It contributes directly to Curriculum for Excellence outcomes in health and wellbeing. The Active Play programme runs for a minimum of 10 weeks and is targeted at a whole Primary 3 or 4 class and helps improve

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Evaluation Support Scotland’s guide to Working Out What to Measure

Once you have clear outcomes for your project, the next task is to identify and set indicators for your outcomes. Guide presented courtesy of Evaluation Support Scotland.

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Insight story: Impact Arts

Setting the scene   Impact Arts is part of the CashBack for Communities portfolio of charities and works to tackle inequalities through creative engagement in 30 local authorities across Scotland. It uses art to improve the lives of communities – for example combatting loneliness in older populations or increasing confidence and employability opportunities for young people. 

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