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A practitioner's guide to What to Wear - Inspiring Scotland


A practitioner’s guide to What to Wear


Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play.

Help – We have no idea what to wear outdoors

The right clothing is key to ensuring that time outdoors with children is as enjoyable as possible. A little planning and thought can prevent us from being distracted and/or miserable due to cold feet, wet hair or chattering teeth.


Stakeholder template

Identifying who your key stakeholders are is a key first step to developing your overall strategy and for ensuring your communications are targeted. This template is a prompt to help you brainstorm who your stakeholders are and further define your relationship with them. Add your stakeholders to the list and place them in the appropriate

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Working Together: Inspiring Scotland in 2019

? We support essential charities to become extraordinary charities, enabling them to support the people and communities in Scotland that experience inequality and help them to change their lives for the better. We do it because we want a healthy, happy and thriving Scotland, without poverty or disadvantage. Introducing Working Together, the 2019 Annual Review of our

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Practitioners Guide Bite-sized tips: Adapting spaces for inclusive outdoor play

This guide offers some short tips on ways to make your play space for inclusive for families with additional support needs.

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