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Equality and Human Rights Webinar 1 - About the fund - Inspiring Scotland


Equality and Human Rights Webinar 1 – About the fund

Equality and Human Rights Fund Webinar 1 – About the Fund (video and transcription)

Slide 1: Introduction

Hello, my name is Kaylie, and I am a member of Equality and Human Rights team at Inspiring Scotland. This is the first of series of five short presentations to introduce you to Equality and Human Rights Fund.

Slide 2: About the fund

The Equality and Human Rights Fund is a new Scottish Government programme which advances human rights, promotes equality, and tackles discrimination people may face due to age, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability, and race.

It follows the Promoting Equality and Cohesion Fund and national funding from the Scottish Government Equality Unit which is ending in September this year.

The Fund is administered by Inspiring Scotland and is now open to applications.

Slide 3: Application details

Information on the Fund and what you need to do to apply can be found on the Inspiring Scotland website. Here you can find full Information and Application Guidance notes which give you detail of what the fund is about, and lots of guidance on what we are looking for in your application. Easy Read and Text only formats are also available and there is a link to the online registration form which you need to complete to receive the application forms.

Key things you need to know about the fund are that:

  • Applications are due by midday on Friday 14 May.
  • Funding is available for three years from October.
  • Up to £7m is available in the first year.
  • You can apply for core and project funding and can either apply as a single organisation or as part of a partnership.
  • To apply you need to be an incorporated third sector organisation that is either registered with the Scottish Charity Regulator or is a Community Interest Company.
  • Public sector organisations can be part of partnership applications, but a third sector body will need to be the lead organisation.

Slide 4: Vision and Objectives

All applicants will need to demonstrate how their proposed work supports the Fund vision, aim and objectives.

The Vision is a Scotland which is inclusive, free from discrimination, where the human rights of everyone are respected, protected, and fulfilled.

The objectives of the fund, are to support, develop and learn from organisations that:

  • Develop and deliver work that is grounded in the progression, protection, and realisation of human rights.
  • Deliver support to address the needs of people facing structural inequality and develop and deliver work to increase participation and empowerment.
  • Support delivery of commitments within relevant Scottish Government equality and human right strategies, action plans and documents.
  • Generate data, learning and insight into the experience of people to support analysis and challenge on equality and human rights issues, across a wide range of policy areas.

Slide 5: Contact us

For more information on the Fund, watch the next clip which talks in more detail about the national context for the Fund. You can also find more information on the Inspiring Scotland website email us and follow us on twitter where we will post info on the pre-application support we are offering. Thanks for watching.


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