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Equality and Human Rights Webinar 2 - Fund Context - Inspiring Scotland


Equality and Human Rights Webinar 2 – Fund Context

Equality and Human Rights Fund Webinar 2 – Fund Context (video and transcription)

Slide 1 – Introduction

Hello, my name’s Gemma and I’m a member of the Equality and Human Rights Team at Inspiring Scotland. This is the second in a series of five short videos about the Equality and Human Rights Fund.

Slide 2 – Scottish Government National Performance Framework

The Equality and Human Rights Fund is operating within the context of the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework. This framework sets out the Scottish Governments purpose and values through 10 national outcomes.

Slide 3 – National Performance Framework, continued

The framework reflects our values as a nation and aspirations for our future. The National Performance Framework also incorporates Scotland’s commitment to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals which aim to improve wellbeing across the world.

Equality and human rights are core to making real progress towards all the national performance outcomes. In particular the outcome ‘we respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination’ is echoed in the vision for this fund.

Slide 4 – Scottish Government Strategies and Action plans

Sitting underneath the National Performance Framework is a range of national strategies and action plans. Some of these are listed in the guidance notes and it’s important to be familiar with these if you plan to apply to the Equality and Human Rights Fund.

They include things like:

  • A Fairer Scotland for Older People, which challenges the inequality older people face and celebrates people as they age.
  • A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People, which is Scottish Government’s delivery plan on the UN’s convention on the rights of people with disabilities.
  • It also includes The Race Equality Framework, The British Sign Language national plan, as well as the recommendations of the national advisory council on Women and girls and the national taskforce for Human Rights Leadership.

All these plans are at different stages of development and delivery. The Fund will support organisations to contribute to them as well as any subsequent plans. The list in the guidance notes isn’t exhaustive and the Fund could also support work in other areas where there isn’t currently an overarching strategy. It is, however, very important you think about the work you want funded in the context of national government outcomes and action.

Slide 5 – Contact us

Do make sure to follow us on social media for more information and support and you can watch the rest of this series of videos to find out more about the fund. Thanks for watching.


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