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Inspiring Scotland 2017 Overview - Inspiring Scotland


Inspiring Scotland 2017 Overview

When Inspiring Scotland was formed in 2008, we wanted to tackle some of the long-term, entrenched social problems faced by Scotland’s people and communities. Since then, we have transformed 100,000s of lives, supported more than 300 charities, built a network of more than 350 professional pro bono volunteers and managed £120m of funding for Scotland’s third sector. It is thanks to the support of so many generous and warm-hearted supporters, investors, partners, friends and colleagues that we have been able to do so much. Thank you.



Islands Green Recovery Programme Summary

The Scottish Government recently launched the £2 million Islands Green Recovery Programme/Prògram Ath-Shlànachaidh Uaine nan Eilean (IGRP). Background The £230 million ‘Restart the Economy’ capital stimulus package was announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance on 16 June 2020. The package was launched to help stimulate Scotland’s economy in light of the global Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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OSCR Guidance and Good Practice for Charity Trustees

Charity trustee duties are set out in The Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005. This guidance explains what the 2005 Act says charity trustees must do or must not do. Reproduced courtesy OSCR Scottish Charity Regulator/Crown Copyright.

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Research Scotland Evaluation of Creative Communities Phase 1 November 2021

  The Creative Communities Programme is based on the belief that it is communities themselves who are best placed to articulate their needs and how to meet them. The Programme is therefore deliberately flexible, supporting a range of different initiatives and outcomes. We commissioned an independent evaluation of the programme from Research Scotland. The evaluation

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