We strive for a Scotland without poverty or disadvantage. Through our thematic funds, covering issues from youth employment to childhood health and wellbeing to community development, we work with and fund the organisations and people who can have the greatest impact. We want to make Scotland a better place and everyone at Inspiring Scotland, and at each organisation we support, works towards that goal.
To find out more about what we do, download our latest report.
Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play. It’s time to re-connect with nature! This activity is one that the whole family can do that engages all our senses.
Read MoreThe Place-based Programme Learning Exchange, a collaboration of national organisations that champion ‘place’ in their practices, has released a report highlighting what works and what doesn’t in place-based approaches. This report aims to share these key learnings to enhance both the scale and quality of place-based working across Scotland, and draws on over 50 years
Read MoreInspiring Scotland’s Annual Overview 2021/ 2022. Providing a summary or programmes delivered and highlights from the 2021/2022 financial year.
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