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Scotland's Coalition for Outdoor Play and Learning Position Statement - Inspiring Scotland


Scotland’s Coalition for Outdoor Play and Learning Position Statement


In 2018, we brought together a broad group of academics and organisations from education, childcare, healthcare, environment and government to create Scotland’s Outdoor Play and Learning Coalition. The Coalition created a bold position statement which committed signatories to working together to embed playing and learning outdoors as an everyday activity and a fundamental part of growing up in Scotland.

The statement’s 100-plus signatories include Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, local authorities, national bodies and leading academics.


Beginner guide to grant funding

This excellent guide from Robert Kelk provides an overview of grant funding and how to approach applying.

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A Practitioner’s Guide: Lets talk Cohorts

  Are you interested in learning more about what forest school nursery involves?  and how it can offer up the opportunity to experience more outdoor play and learning…then our latest blog is for you! This week’s guest blogger is Zoe Sills, Nursery Manager at Earthtime Forest School Nursery. Zoe shares all her hints and tips

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Support In The Right Direction Progress Update

This Progress report provides an update on  project activity from October 2019 to 31 March 2020. As the  Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown started to take effect in the last couple of weeks of the latest report period. In June 2020 we asked projects what the impact of lockdown was on their activities and how

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