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Self-directed Support Innovation Fund Progress Report: Year 2 2016/17 - Inspiring Scotland


Self-directed Support Innovation Fund Progress Report: Year 2 2016/17

Innovation Fund Progress Report April 2017 The Self-directed Support Innovation Fund (2015-2018) aims to support innovation and piloting of different service models as well as help develop the capacity of practitioners and providers to implement Self-directed Support. In Years 1 and 2 of the Fund (April 2015 – March 2017) 21 projects spent a total of £2.35 million developing and undertaking projects, of which £1.2 million was in the year to 31st March 2017.
This report provides an overview of the activities and impact of Innovation Fund projects during Year 2 of the programme. The nature of the Innovation Fund means there is a range of disparate activities being undertaken. For the purposes of this report we have grouped work into themed activity and use some examples of project work to highlight progress in 2016 -17.


Support in the Right Direction 2021: Year 1 progress report

This report contains updates on the Support in the Right Direction fund between October 2018 and March 2019

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14:19 Fund Report 2011

2011 marked the three year milestone for the 14:19 Fund and I am pleased to report it is successfully achieving exactly what it set out to – supporting disadvantaged young people across Scotland into employment, education or training. These initial three years have provided £19.2 million of direct cash investment in the ventures in the

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Practitioners Guide Bite-sized tips: Adapting spaces for inclusive outdoor play

This guide offers some short tips on ways to make your play space for inclusive for families with additional support needs.

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