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A Practitioner's Guide: Top 20 tips of 2020 - Inspiring Scotland


A Practitioner’s Guide: Top 20 tips of 2020


It was amazing to see how outdoor play and learning was fully embraced this year in spite of all the challenges. We all realised just how important the outdoors is- not just for our children but for the WHOLE family. As we face yet more restrictions at the start of the new year – let’s remember how we got through it the first time -by embracing the outdoors! And with that we are sharing YOUR top 20 Outdoor Play tips of 2020.

A huge thankyou to all our AMAZING blog contributors this year. We can’t wait for more to come in 2021.





A Practitioner’s Guide: Animal antics

We would love to have animals at our setting, we’re just not sure where to start. We asked practitioners who have pets on their site just how they manage…

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Practitioner’s Guide Bite-sized tips: Risk Benefit Assessment with Inclusion in Mind

This guide provides bite-sized tips on how to carry out a risk assessment with inclusion in mind.

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05 Be a bean

Part of Thrive Outdoors Make Time For Outdoor Play – a downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play during COVID-19.

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