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Ullapool Sea Savers - Inspiring Scotland


Ullapool Sea Savers

Janis Patterson of Ullapool Sea Savers tells us about the difference Specialist Volunteering has made to her organisation.


Logic model template

Logic models show how cause and effect can lead to desired outcomes, and many grant makers require a logic model be submitted to show how resources will lead to long-term results. This template is designed to be tailored by your organisation’s personal circumstances.

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Action plan template

After a strategy planning session, you will want to log everything down in an action plan. We’ve provided two templates – one in Word and one in Excel to get you started. Begin with your big strategic priority and work your want down to the detail of the specific actions or activity you will undertake,

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14:19 Fund Report 2015

Inspiring Scotland’s 14:19 Fund has an impressive track record from a standing start in January 2009, with over 20,000 disadvantaged young people across Scotland supported into positive destinations of employment, education or training to December 2015. 2015 saw 14:19 Fund ventures operating at scale and delivering significant growth in social impact, both in terms of

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