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Charities - Inspiring Scotland


We currently work with over 450 charities across our thematic areas of work.

Aberdeen Foyer

Aberdeen Foyer

Aberdeen Foyer provides housing support to young people aged 16 years and over in crisis situations. This core service is complemented by a holistic range of programs including money management, employability initiatives and counselling. Investment supports those aged 16-25 who have been, or are at risk of, exclusion from education and supports the provision of

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Aberdeen Foyer

Aberdeen Foyer

Aberdeen Foyer provides housing support to young people aged 16 years and over in crisis situations. This core service is complemented by a holistic range of programs including money management, employability initiatives and counselling. Investment supports those aged 16-25 who have been, or are at risk of, exclusion from education and supports the provision of

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Aberdeen Foyer

Aberdeen Foyer

Aberdeen Foyer supports people facing homelessness, unemployment, mental health issues and poverty. The charity believes everyone has a right to a positive future and aims to help people towards education, work and a stable place to live. Working in the city of Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, the charity supports more than 1600 people a year to

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Aberdeen Play Forum

Aberdeen Play Forum

Part of Organised Outdoor Community Play Fund. Aberdeen Play Forum is a registered charity in Scotland that promote children’s rights to play across Aberdeen city.  They believe that having access to play and all its benefits should not be dictated by the area that a child lives in or the income of their parents. The

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Aberlour, is a national charity for  children, young people and families across Scotland, helping transform lives for the better. Supporting challenges such as  living with a disability, growing up in and leaving care and the impact of drugs and alcohol on families. Aberlour is one of the 13 charities in the intandem portfolio.  More information

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Access to Industry

Access to Industry

Access to Industry’s ‘Passport CashBack’ will provide a service for young people aged 16 to 22 in HMP YOI Polmont that increases their employability skills prior to liberation. On liberation from Polmont, it will support them into jobs, college and training. The project will consider all young people in Polmont as having the potential to

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Achieve More Scotland

Achieve More Scotland

Achieve More Scotland will provide weekly, early intervention and diversionary based activities for young people, aged 10-24, across 6 identified areas in Glasgow and South and North Lanarkshire. This project will involve sports coaching and youth work activities being delivered on a weekly basis in targeted communities. In addition to the weekly activities, we will

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Part of GCC Active Play Fund. Actify is a social enterprise that provides training and technology designed to help organisations and individuals achieve a range of outcomes through sport and physical activity. Actify’s training programmes support and enable staff and volunteers to plan, deliver and evaluate person centred, outcome focused approaches for a range of

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