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Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis Centre - Inspiring Scotland

Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support Fund

Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis Centre

Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis (ABRC) provide free and confidential support and advocacy to survivors of all genders (aged 12 +) who have experienced rape, sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual bullying, stalking and commercial sexual exploitation. They also offer support to non-abusing partners and family members of survivors of sexual violence. ABRC provides the only service of its kind in the region and have a long history of providing specialised support to survivors in rural and remote rural areas.

Invitation to tender

Invitation to tender

Inspiring Scotland invites tenders to undertake a locality needs assessment for services responding to violence against women and girls. Glasgow East Women’s Aid in Easterhouse recently ceased operating bringing to an end their domestic abuse service and delivery of community gender-based violence (GBV) services in the area. This leaves a gap in direct frontline service

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Kinship Learning and Collaboration

Kinship Learning and Collaboration

We recently brought together organisations to host an event looking at where kinship care currently is in Scotland and where it needs to be to support young people and their wider families to thrive.     The kinship care landscape in Scotland “We need to do more for kinship carers and children”    Since 2016, Inspiring

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The Power of Sport and Physical Activity since the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow

The Power of Sport and Physical Activity since the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow

Earlier this month, some of the  Inspiring Scotland Thrive Outdoors team, alongside partners   hosted a workshop at the Power of Sport and Physical Activity Conference. The conference, held at Easterhouse Community Hub, marked 10 years since the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, and looked to celebrate the power of sport and physical activity for people to

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