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Creative Communities - Inspiring Scotland

Creative Communities

Creative Communities

The Creative Communities programme supports communities to develop and deliver initiatives involving culture and creative arts and focuses support on people and places where social or geographical circumstances make engaging with cultural activities more challenging. 

The Creative Communities approach is deeply participatory: each project is designed and led by the communities they work with and, as a result, every project is unique, reflecting the strengths, interests, priorities and talents of the people taking part.  

Local people lead the way, working with creative practitioners on projects that are meaningful to them in the way that suits them best.


Annual Report 2023/24

Annual Report 2023/24

Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report for 2023-2024 provides an overview of the work we have undertaken to deliver on our strategic priorities and mission to improve the lives of people across Scotland. Last year we managed over £46m of funding as fund owner, delivery partner or fund manager for Scottish Government and private investors for social

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Demystifying trusteeship with our Specialist Volunteer Network

Demystifying trusteeship with our Specialist Volunteer Network

There is often an idea that to be a trustee you need to be a certain type of person – have a significant amount of experience in your field along with a wealth of knowledge and that you are well networked within your profession to back it up. But the truth is, with over 180,000

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Insight Story: Talking Strategy with Pregnancy Counselling Care

Insight Story: Talking Strategy with Pregnancy Counselling Care

Our Specialist Volunteer Network (SVN) is an impressive collective of over 500 professionals who lend their expertise and time to the charity sector for free, saving not only those all-important funds, but time Due to increasing demand for services and the ever-changing funding landscape, charities are finding it more difficult to carry out their day-to-day

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Celebrating creativity in Glasgow’s communities

Celebrating creativity in Glasgow’s communities

From Govan to the city centre, from children with learning disabilities to New Scots, people all over the city of Glasgow have benefitted from the opportunity to explore their creative side, led by their own communities.  We recently hosted a workshop and reception to showcase the incredible talent and creativity fostered through our Creative Communities

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Supporting the sector with Good Governance  

Supporting the sector with Good Governance  

If Elaine Crichton has a specialist topic, it would be diversifying Scotland’s Boards through recruitment and bespoke training of Trustees. It’s an area she is not just enthusiastic about but also well placed to offer guidance and training, having provided 46 organisations in-depth governance and board development support in the last year. She also walks

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A new philanthropic partnership funding good ideas.

A new philanthropic partnership funding good ideas.

Funding ideas to improve children’s health and wellbeing At the end of last year, we began working with a UK philanthropist who, having led a successful career in business, recognised the value in funding research and development. They wanted to fund the good ideas that need some investment to test but could ultimately be scaled

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