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Intandem - Inspiring Scotland



intandem is Scotland’s mentoring programme for young people looked after at home and in kinship care.  intandem helps Scotland’s children, young people and families stay together to build and maintain positive, loving relationships.

Established in 2016, intandem provides mentors for young people aged between 8-14 years who are looked after by their local authority but living at home. The programme has been set up to help young people face the unique challenges their circumstances can create.

intandem is Funded by Scottish Government and The Robertson Trust designed and delivered by Inspiring Scotland.


partner charities


young people mentored


local authority areas


years of delivery



Action for Children

Action for Children

Action for Children delivers services aimed at young people who are unemployed and who may have other issues restricting their ability to access the job market. OFN investment supports a number of important programmes that improve young people’s ability to move into a positive destination such as Youthbuild, Hospitality, Aiming High and STAY. CashBack for

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Befriend a Child

Befriend a Child

Aberdeen based, Befriend a Child’s motto is to ‘Turn a Frown Upside Down’, the core service is a 1:1 befriending scheme and runs a number of other complimentray services. Befriend a Child are one of the 13 charities in the intandem portfolio. Further information is available    

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Based in South Lanarkshire, COVEY, support young people on their life journey through strong and supportive befriending and mentoring relationships – ensuring they are equipped to reach their potential. COVEY are one of the 13 charities involved in the intandem portfolio.  More information is available

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Annual Report 2023/24

Annual Report 2023/24

Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report for 2023-2024 provides an overview of the work we have undertaken to deliver on our strategic priorities and mission to improve the lives of people across Scotland. Last year we managed over £46m of funding as fund owner, delivery partner or fund manager for Scottish Government and private investors for social

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intandem impact report 2024

intandem impact report 2024

Welcome to intandem’s impact report for 2024. This report details the positive impact intandem mentoring has for children and young people with care experience. It also includes why the programme is needed now more than ever and how it has evolved to include kinship arrangements. Established in 2016, intandem is managed by Inspiring Scotland and

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Demystifying trusteeship with our Specialist Volunteer Network

Demystifying trusteeship with our Specialist Volunteer Network

There is often an idea that to be a trustee you need to be a certain type of person – have a significant amount of experience in your field along with a wealth of knowledge and that you are well networked within your profession to back it up. But the truth is, with over 180,000

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intandem launches in Dundee: Volunteers needed for new one-of-a kind mentoring programme for kinship families

intandem launches in Dundee: Volunteers needed for new one-of-a kind mentoring programme for kinship families

Dundee charity TCA are on the lookout for volunteer mentors for a brand new intandem mentoring programme to support children and young people living with close family or friends in kinship care in Dundee. The one-of-a kind intandem family mentoring programme pairs volunteer mentors with children and young people aged 7-15 living in kinship arrangements,

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Developing a Universal Definition of ‘Care Experience’: An Opportunity to Address the Imbalance of Support

Developing a Universal Definition of ‘Care Experience’: An Opportunity to Address the Imbalance of Support

The Scottish Government’s recent public consultation on Developing a Universal Definition of ‘Care Experience’ presents a critical opportunity to address the imbalance of support available to those experiencing the ‘care system.’  intandem, managed by Inspiring Scotland is  a national mentoring programme for young people in, or at risk of experiencing the ‘care system’, is well

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Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report 2023-24 published

Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report 2023-24 published

The annual report provides an overview of the work undertaken to deliver on our strategic priorities and mission to improve the lives of people across Scotland. Last year Inspiring Scotland managed 16 funding programmes delivering to our strategic priorities ‘Improving Life Chances for Children and Young People’ and ‘Flourishing Lives’. We managed over £46m of

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