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News - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.


Funding for rural communities

Community led projects to receive £3 million funding boost. Over 180 diverse projects across rural Scotland, will receive grants ranging from £100,000 to less than £500, from the Rural & Island Communities Ideas into Action (RICIA) fund. The fund encourages and supports not-for-profit community groups with innovative approaches to community-led local development which include solutions

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2021/ 2022 Annual Overview

We are pleased to publish our 2021/ 2022 Annual Overview. 2021 / 2022 was another year dominated by the impact of Covid-19 and the growing cost of living crisis. Despite these challenges, the commitment and response from Scotland’s third sector has been nothing short of inspirational. During this time, the focus for Inspiring Scotland was

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Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteer Network (SVN)

For a charitable organisation, having access to a broad range of professional skills can be challenging when resources are already stretched. Whether seeking IT or marketing expertise, financial or legal advice, a trusteeship or practical help, Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteer Network (SVN)  can step in.  The Specialist Volunteer Network (SVN) is one of Inspiring Scotland’s

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Mapping the Mentoring Sector

Our intandem team recently joined Scottish Mentoring Network at the Scottish Parliament to present findings from a survey conducted to map mentoring services across the country and how to strengthen services available to care experienced children and young people.  In an event hosted by Kaukab Stewart MSP, key stakeholders were brought together to share the

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Impact of gender-based violence and abuse on the mental health needs of women, young people and children

Evidence from the Delivering Equally Safe (DES) funded organisations and from other studies has shown that “experiences of violence and abuse against women, young people and children can be the cause of mental ill health, and those experiences can exacerbate existing mental health issues.”* A new report from DES looks the at evidence of the

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Insights on the cost-of-living

At Inspiring Scotland, we are very aware of the pressure that the increased cost-of living is having on people and the funded charities we support. Throughout Autumn 2022 our fund teams gathered and shared information from portfolio partners about: How concerned they are about cost-of-living crisis for people they support, their organisations, their staff and

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We work with experts from the voluntary, public, private and academic sectors. Get in touch if you want to help us build a better Scotland.

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