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News - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.


Supporting the sector with Good Governance  

If Elaine Crichton has a specialist topic, it would be diversifying Scotland’s Boards through recruitment and bespoke training of Trustees. It’s an area she is not just enthusiastic about but also well placed to offer guidance and training, having provided 46 organisations in-depth governance and board development support in the last year. She also walks

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Insights report launched: Supporting Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse 

Today, the Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support (SOCAS) fund team launched a report sharing their insights from four and a half years of managing funding which delivers vital support to adult survivors of childhood abuse.  A total of £11.2m of Scottish Government funding was managed by Inspiring Scotland and provided to 29 charities across the

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A new philanthropic partnership funding good ideas.

Funding ideas to improve children’s health and wellbeing At the end of last year, we began working with a UK philanthropist who, having led a successful career in business, recognised the value in funding research and development. They wanted to fund the good ideas that need some investment to test but could ultimately be scaled

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New funding to improve lives for people with learning disabilities

People with learning disabilities will be supported to reach their full potential through a £1.6 million Scottish Government fund. The Learning Disability Support Fund will be available to third sector organisations to enable them to promote equality and inclusion and improve access to education, health services and social activities for people with learning disabilities. The

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New funding to improve lives for people with learning disabilities

People with learning disabilities will be supported to reach their full potential through a £1.6 million Scottish Government fund. The Learning Disability Support Fund will be available to third sector organisations to enable them to promote equality and inclusion and improve access to education, health services and social activities for people with learning disabilities. The

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More funding available for community ecosystem restoration projects

A second round of the Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund opens for applications today (Monday 20 January 2025) to enable community-led project groups in Scotland to develop local nature restoration projects. The Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund seeks to inspire, encourage, and enable communities to explore and develop ambitious ecosystem restoration projects locally. It also seeks to raise awareness

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