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News - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.


Legal support a key benefit of Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteer offering

Inspiring Scotland’s Specialist Volunteer network consists of over 500 professionals who provide their expertise free of charge to charities across Scotland. All types of support can be arranged, from HR, finance, and strategic planning to marketing, governance and mentoring. This support – available to charities outside our portfolios as well as portfolio members – allows

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Creative Communities: V&A Dundee host film premiere 

Artists and participants of the £2million Creative Communities programme gathered for the first time at V&A Dundee for the premiere of their film highlighting the power of creativity to support wellbeing during the last year. Creative Communities is a Scottish Government initiative aiming to connect communities by providing creative opportunities in communities where social or

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Saltcoats Link Up ‘Wins’ The Lottery

The National Lottery Community Fund announced today that Inspiring Scotland’s Link Up project in Saltcoats will benefit from an additional two-year funding of £95,400. “Our success in securing this new funding through National Lottery’s Community-led Fund will be critical in helping us to enable local people to drive the change they want for Saltcoats.” Brian

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£1.3 million fund opens to support health and wellbeing of Island Communities

Please note applications closed on the 20th of September 2021.  The Scottish Government’s Healthy Islands Fund – a £1.3 million fund supporting projects focused on health and wellbeing on Scottish islands opens today 23 August 2021. Successful projects will include community-led wellness initiatives to promote healthier lifestyles on the islands, supporting the delivery of Strategic

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Funding to tackle violence against women and girls

  The Scottish Government announced today additional funding for frontline services and prevention.  More than 121 projects across Scotland will share £38 million to support survivors of gender-based violence and focus on prevention. The Delivering Equally Safe Fund includes more than £28 million for frontline services which provide direct support to women and girls, prioritising

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Supporting healthier lifestyles on Scottish islands

    This fund is now closed for applications. People living on Scottish islands will soon benefit from a new fund to influence healthier lifestyles on the islands through community-led wellness initiatives. The Healthy Islands Fund will help to deliver these initiatives with £1.3 million of funding from the Scottish Government from the wider £30

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