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News - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.


SiRD2021 Fund to increase the delivery of independent support now open.

Scottish Government’s Support in the Right Direction 2021 (SiRD2021) Fund aims to continue to embed Self-directed Support as the mainstream approach to social care. Support in the Right Direction 2021 (SiRD2021) opens to applications today Monday 5 February 2018. Aiming to increase the delivery of independent support for people who require social care, SiRD2021 has

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Inspiring Scotland marks its 10th birthday

Today Monday 29 January 2018 marks 10 years since Inspiring Scotland launched its first fund with the target of helping 35,000 disadvantaged young people into destinations of education, training and employment. The youth employment-focused 14:19 Fund is on track to meet its ambitious target by the end of 2018 and has so far helped 27,897 young

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A. Sinclair Dunlop appointed Chair of Board

To coincide with our 10th anniversary, leading third sector funder, Inspiring Scotland has appointed Sinclair Dunlop of Epidarex Capital as Chair of its Board of Trustees.  Mr. Dunlop succeeds Professor Niall Lothian OBE who led the Board since Inspiring Scotland was founded in 2008. Today, Monday the 29th of January 2018, marks 10 years since

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Thank you for our first 10 years

The 29th of January 2018 marks 10 years since Inspiring Scotland was founded. The story of our first 10 years is a story about people, a lot of people, the relationships we have built with one another, and the impact we have been able to create together. We started with the ambition of tackling the

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Consultation on new Support in the Right Direction Funding

Last November and December, we worked with Scottish Government and Self-directed Support Scotland to consult with the independent support sector on potential criteria and process for applying to a new Support in the Right Direction Fund (SiRD) . Through a series of events, a survey and webinar we discussed preferred application methods, thoughts on potential

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There is so much to play for when we encourage young children to enjoy the outdoors

By Juliet Robertson, Outdoor learning and play specialist, Creative STAR Learning The image of children splashing in muddy puddles or running, carefree through the woods, giggling in the way only happy children can, might seem like a nostalgic rural idyll to city dwellers in this age of social media and easy-access tech. But it doesn’t have

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