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News - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.


Extension to current Support in the Right Direction funding

Audit Scotland today published a review of Self-directed Support. As part of their response to the review Scottish Government have announced a six month extension to current funding to 31 September 2018. The extension is very welcome and will give Scottish Government time to take account of the findings of the current review of Independent

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Minister for Childcare and Early Years launches #AwayandPlay to help Scotland’s kids get the best start in life

Iconic Beano comic character, Dennis the Menace, joined Mark McDonald MSP, Scottish Government Minister for Childcare and Early Years, to launch a new campaign highlighting the benefits to children of free and creative play. The year-long campaign, “Away and Play”, is powered by Inspiring Scotland.  It will highlight the benefits of free and unstructured play

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UK Recognition as Best Family Friendly Third Sector Employer

Inspiring Scotland has received further recognition for its Family Friendly practices picking up the award for the Best UK Family Friendly Third Sector Employer. The judges of the UK wide Family Friendly Working Award were impressed by Inspiring Scotland’s flexible culture and the way it uses flexibility of time to attract and retain high calibre

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Resilience in the charity sector is more important than ever

Resilience is more important now than ever for the charity sector – but it is just the beginning of the journey we need to take, says Julia Abel, Head of Funds. Being resilient to shocks and change is more important for the charity sector now than it has ever been. I need hardly utter why;

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Youth employment fund delivers record year.

Last year the 14:19 Fund helped over 5,000 young people into a positive destination of employment, education or training.  This is more young people than previous years and brings the total young people who have secured a positive destination to 26,000. These results have been delivered by the portfolio of 20 Scottish charities who have

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Let’s change the way we fight poverty and inequality in Scotland.

Let’s break the cycle, says Deputy Chief Executive Helen Chambers  We know inequality breeds poverty. And poverty, in turn, breeds inequality. But it’s not that simple. Inequality is not just about being poor. Inequality means never having opportunity when you have ability and knowledge. It’s about not having a choice when there should be so

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