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News - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.


What makes a Link Up worker effective?

Tackling societies biggest issues depends on very special types of people on the frontline. At Link Up we have been analysing what the critical factors are that make our workers most effective in connecting the communities in which they work.  Since 2012 Inspiring Scotland’s Link Up Programme has been leading efforts in actively tackling inequality

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Minister joins South Lanarkshire kids for Active Play session

Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, joined children from Rigside in South Lanarkshire for an Active Play session on Friday 4 March to celebrate the success of the national initiative in the area. Ms. Campbell met pupils and teachers from Rigside Nursery and Rigside Primary School who have been taking part in an

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Loneliness doesn’t have to be for life

Our Deputy Chief Executive, Helen Chambers, writes about how Inspiring Scotland’s Link Up fund is tackling loneliness through transforming communities from within. At a time when the damaging effects of loneliness are being equated to the effects of smoking, the need to transform our communities is more critical than ever. Combatting community breakdown and isolation

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