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Home Link Family Support - Inspiring Scotland

Home Link Family Support

We offer a wide range of Early Years home visiting services that complement the offer of 1140 hours. These include:

1. Early Years Family Support Service

Who is it for?

Families in Edinburgh with children under 5, experiencing some form of difficulty.

What to expect?

Regular home visiting from a family support worker, for up to a year.
Support tailored to the family’s needs and personalised goals.

2. Antenatal Support Services (Edinburgh)

Who is it for?

Expectant families or families who have had a baby in the last 8 weeks who could benefit from some extra support. Families can refer themselves or can be referred by any professionals working with them eg: midwives, Health Visitors, Social Workers, Early Years Workers, GP’s etc

What to expect

Visits from our antenatal coordinator for 2 hours every 2 weeks throughout pregnancy and through the first year of baby’s life; build on families existing strengths; discussions with regards to possible support plans which are tailored to individual’s needs; practical help and support with regards to parenting.

3.Family Volunteer Service

Who is it for?

Anyone in South Edinburgh who has at least one child under 5, or expecting a baby. We can provide a friendly non-judgemental person to help you at home for a couple of hours a week.

What to expect?

A Co-ordinator will visit you first to explain our service and ask you about the kind of help you need. Then you may be matched with a volunteer and have regular meetings with the Coordinator to review how the Volunteer support is going.

When you are matched with a Volunteer, they will usually visit you at home once a week for a couple of hours, for up to 6 months to 1 year. You can decide what you want the Volunteer to help you with. They can’t babysit or look after the children when you are not in the house, but they are trained to support you and are great with kids. During the time your Volunteer visits you, the Co-ordinator is in regular contact with both the Volunteer and you, to make sure everyone’s happy with the way things are going. You can ask for the visits to stop at any stage.

4.Early Years Family Practitioner

Who is it for?

The Early Years Family Practitioner works in partnership with children and families who attend Mayfield Nursery School.

What do we offer?

This service offers confidential home visiting family support, family learning opportunities in the home and/or group activities. We promote family wellbeing and can provide support plans tailored to the family’s individual identified needs.

5.Early Years Systemic Family Support Service

Who is it for?

Families in Midlothian with children under 5, experiencing some form of difficulty.

What do we offer?

We offer support to families who may need a bit more guidance with regards to family routines, early learning, family relationships, play and emotional well-being. We can also help you to access local groups or put you in touch with other support services within your community.

6.Midlothian Young Parents Support Service

Who is it for?

This service is for parents in Midlothian under 25 years of age who have a child aged 3 or under.

What to expect

Our Co-ordinator will provide regular home visiting support for 12-18 months. Support will focus on the identified family needs and could include areas such as: access to local services and advice; family learning through play; emotional well-being; local groups and parenting.