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Mapping the Mentoring Sector - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.

Mapping the Mentoring Sector

Our intandem team recently joined Scottish Mentoring Network at the Scottish Parliament to present findings from a survey conducted to map mentoring services across the country and how to strengthen services available to care experienced children and young people. 

In an event hosted by Kaukab Stewart MSP, key stakeholders were brought together to share the importance of mentoring to care experienced children and young people, with elected members of parliament.

Over the last year, intandem have been working together with Scottish Mentoring Network and YMCA Scotland to investigate what provision of mentoring exists for care experienced children and young people in Scotland. The project, funded by The Promise, has produced a digital map to help everyone see more clearly what services exist and where.

Inspiring Scotland’s intandem fund manager, Susie White, was joined by Josh Hurd, former intern with intandem, who led on gathering the research for the fund’s Views from Home report, to present their recommendations. These include:  

  • Sharing knowledge and good practice around  the wider supports available  for families provided by local organisations
  • Working with others to establish consistent access to support for children and young people when Compulsory Supervision Orders are in place or removed   
  • Bringing statutory and third sector partners together to add greater value to each other’s work through opportunities to better connect, share learning and collaborate so children and young people benefit. This message of collaboration was reiterated by Colin McFarlane of YMCA Scotland and many others in the room

Read the full Views from Home report here. 

Read more on the Scottish Mentoring Network map of mentoring services here. 

Delivering Equally Safe receives a funding uplift

Delivering Equally Safe receives a funding uplift

We are pleased to share that Equalities Minister, Kaukab Stewart has announced a £2.4 million funding uplift for over 100 organisations supported by our Delivering Equally Safe fund. The funding boost will bring the total Scottish Government investment in Delivering Equally Safe (DES) up to £21.6 million for 2025/26. The announcement was made during Ms.

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Developing a Universal Definition of ‘Care Experience’: An Opportunity to Address the Imbalance of Support

Developing a Universal Definition of ‘Care Experience’: An Opportunity to Address the Imbalance of Support

The Scottish Government’s recent public consultation on Developing a Universal Definition of ‘Care Experience’ presents a critical opportunity to address the imbalance of support available to those experiencing the ‘care system.’  intandem, managed by Inspiring Scotland is  a national mentoring programme for young people in, or at risk of experiencing the ‘care system’, is well

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Supporting the sector with Good Governance  

Supporting the sector with Good Governance  

If Elaine Crichton has a specialist topic, it would be diversifying Scotland’s Boards through recruitment and bespoke training of Trustees. It’s an area she is not just enthusiastic about but also well placed to offer guidance and training, having provided 46 organisations in-depth governance and board development support in the last year. She also walks

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