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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Service Directory - Inspiring Scotland

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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Third Sector Service Directory
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This directory lists organisations across Scotland who currently offer perinatal and infant mental health support. This information has been provided by the listed organisations themselves and therefore Inspiring Scotland cannot be held responsible for: information found to be incorrect or for any of the services offered.

For more information about the PIMH Fund please visit our webpage

Please note: This list is not exhaustive and there may be other services available in your location. To have your service listed in this directory, please click here. To have your services updated/removed from the list, please contact (Directory last updated: June 2024).

Showing 113 Results
Name: 3D Drumchapel
Service: Practical Support and Online/ Telephone Parent & Child Sessions
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Online sessions including parent & child sessions, family disco, peer support groups, daily bedtime story, activity ideas etc. Telephone support – regular phonecall offering emotional support. Practical support – food, baby food, formula, nappies, children’s preloved clothing and goods. Only available to families in Drumchapel, Knightswood and Yoker

Name: Aberlour Perinatal Befriending Support Lothian
Service: Virtual Perinatal Befriending Support
Type: Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Aberlour Perinatal Befriending Support Lothian offers emotional support to families in Lothian with babies born at 34 weeks or later who have received care from the Neonatal Unit at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. We are here to support parents during pregnancy and up to their child’s first birthday. We can provide support in the hospital, community or at home.


We match parents with dedicated, trained volunteer befrienders to provide wellbeing support on a weekly basis. We also provide support to access community services and help increase social connections. In addition, our Perinatal Connections app offers a safe, facilitated space for new and expectant mothers to connect with each other and access information and resources whenever they wish.


How to contact us: Please email us at or call us on 01875 632055. You can also visit us at for more information.


Name: Aberlour Whole Family Wellbeing Service Angus
Service: Practical Family Support - prenatal and postnatal
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Aberlour Whole Family Support is available to all pregnant woman and their families throughout Angus for as long as needed. Support is tailored to meet individual circumstances and may include:

  • Support through pregnancy and once baby has arrived
  • Support with other children in the home
  • Support to and from appointments, shops, parks
  • Regular home visits or telephone calls on a day and time which suits families
  • Practical support, such as helping with cleaning, decluttering and offering parents a break
  • Social, emotional and therapeutic support to enhance parenting capacity towards babies and children
  • Advocacy ensuring families voices are heard and they get the support they need
  • Linking families to community supports, accompanying them to baby groups making community connections
  • Opportunities to connect in person with other parents and babies
Name: Aching Arms
Service: Email/ Telephone Support and Comfort Bears for Bereaved Parents
Type: Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


At Aching Arms we primarily offer comfort bears, which are gifted from one bereaved family to another, in the hope that parents feel less alone. At Aching Arms we believe that there is no support like that of another bereaved parent, therefore we also offer email, text,  telephone and video call support to anyone who would like to speak to someone who has been where they are. We are predominantly bereaved parents at Aching Arms and know the impact and comfort of speaking to another bereaved parent. We also host a monthly remote Dad’s group, bringing bereaved Dad’s together to find support in sharing experiences.  Please contact us, you don’t have to go through this alone.


Name: Action on Postpartum Psychosis
Service: Online/ Video Peer Support for Postpartum Psychosis
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Peer Support is offered on a moderated online forum, via one-to-one video call, via email support or by meeting a volunteer. There is also an online support group for partners.

Name: Amina Muslim Womens Resource Center
Service: Telephone Helpline, Befriending for BME and Muslim Scots
Type: Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lothian, Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Amina offers a range of tailored support services through our national freephone helpline, such as financial advocacy support, Islamic advice through a scholar, befriending, listening ear, signposting service and online chat.

Name: Amma Birth Companions
Service: Birth companionship and perinatal support - face to face and by phone.
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Amma Birth Companions is a Glasgow charity that provides care information, and advocacy for birthing people facing barriers to support. We offer birth and postnatal companionship, along with antenatal education and peer support activities.

Our volunteers undergo 50+ hours of training to deliver specialist trauma informed, culturally competent care to birthing people throughout the perinatal period. Our companions work in teams to provide continuous practical and emotional support to expectant parents. Support is offered from the third trimester of pregnancy until a few weeks following birth.

We also offer peer support activities, antenatal education and advocacy.

Although we have a well-defined set of referral criteria, we are always happy to consider requests for support on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to discuss.

Name: Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)
Service: Email and Telephone Helpline for Pregnancy
Type: Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal
Cost: Free


Our small professional helpline team can provide information and support to parents through antenatal screening and its consequences. The team is skilled at containing contacts who have had unexpected or difficult news about their baby’s development. We provide specialised help when a prenatal diagnosis of a genetic or structural condition is made. We aim to help parents gather all the information and support they need to make the individual decisions that are right for them. ARC also helps parents cope with the consequences of their decisions.

Name: Art at the Start
Service: Parent-Infant Art Therapy group in Dundee Contemporary Arts
Type: Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Art at the Start, art therapy group for infants and caregivers together, focused on supporting positive relationships. The groups are run as a partnership between DCA and the NHS Infant Mental Health team.


Service: Range of Online/ Telephone Counselling and Therapy Services
Type: Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Grampian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free, Donation, Paid for service


Telephone and online counselling and therapy services that offers safe, non judgemental, confidential and specialist services in: Individual Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychosexual Therapy and Art Therapy. (Price varies: £40 – £70 depending on the service.)

Name: Ayrshire Baby Loss Support
Service: Face-to-face/Online/Phone/ support for bereaved families
Type: Peer Support
Location: Ayrshire & Arran
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We offer a range of support services to anyone affected by the loss of a baby at any stage, this support includes support meetings, online support, and telephone support. We also offer a number of remembrance options for families to remember their baby, such as a Christmas service, memorial trees and books.

Name: Baby Loss Retreat
Service: Online/ Telephone Support for Babyloss
Type: Parenting Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Ayrshire & Arran, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


We are a charity who support parents during the emotional and physiological effects of Baby Loss. This is through 1 to 1 service and other services, which is limited just now due to the virus. We still provide online counselling and telephone calls 7 days a week. We understand the added pressures of the situation at the moment and want to reach out to all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins etc. The number to call is: 01236 600417

Name: Barnardo’s Scotland
Service: Practical and Online Family support
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


The Growing Together Family Support Service in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde supports parents and infants from pregnancy to 3 years old, using a whole-family wellbeing approach, offering solution focused, parenting and peer support to address emotional and practical challenges.

Name: Biggar Babies Toddlers and Playgroup
Service: Family Support
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Donation, Paid for service


A social platform twice a week for parents and parents to be.

Refreshments & activities provided, with our outdoor space, with up-to-date Covid 19 regulations considered, as of August 2020.
Members of the group who have experienced certain  issues have offered to give some Peer Support in the form of listening and sharing their insights they have had getting through the issues. Contact or to find the appropriate Peer Support.

Name: Blank Canvas
Service: Creative Online Peer Support
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We provide creative prompts to encourage mums who are struggling with their mental health, promoting self care and wellbeing. It’s a community of mums sharing their creative experiences both during pregnancy and in the postnatal period.

Name: Bliss
Service: Email Support for Premature or Sick Babies
Type: Parenting Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Our email support service is here to help parents and families of premature and sick babies. Our trained staff are here to listen to your concerns and help you find the information you need. We understand that the experience of being on a neonatal unit can be incredibly overwhelming and stressful. If you are a parent, grandparent, relative or friend please get in touch with your query or concern. Email us at: any time of the day and we’ll get back to you within 3 – 5 working days with information and support to help you through your neonatal journey.

Name: Breast Buddies Peer Support
Service: Breastfeeding Support via Face-to-face/Text Message/ Online/ Telephone/Video Call Support for New Parents
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Breastfeeding support by trained volunteer Breastfeeding Peer Supporters (who have breastfed their own children and received training to support others) at local Breast Buddies groups across Tayside, through 1-2-1 text support, WhatsApp groups and online. You can be matched with a trained peer supporter who will contact you by text message initially. You can ask questions, find information and receive support to help you through some of the challenges you may face while feeding and caring for your baby. We can provide support, information and encouragement to work through various challenges faced by new parents such as positioning & attachment, responsive feeding, cluster feeding, sleep, starting solids etc.

Name: Bright Light Relationship Counselling
Service: On line and phone individual/ couple/ whole family counselling
Type: Parenting Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Donation


This professional zoom on-line and phone counselling will provide a non judgemental confidential safe space to help build confidence as a parent, build resilience as a couple/ individual, to  manage your stress and anxiety so you’re able to cope now and in the future. Families are all shapes and sizes and we warmly welcome all people.

Name: Bump Start – Stepping Stones North Edinburgh
Service: Telephone and in person support for pregnant & new parents
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Bump Start is a support service for pregnant women and their partners living in the North East and North West of Edinburgh. The focus is to prepare women for pregnancy and parenthood and to feel confident to make positive choices for themselves and their families. Bump Start has two components: Parenting Coordinators and Pregnancy Cafe. The parenting coordinators work one to one with women and agree on what support needs the pregnant woman has and how we can help them achieve them. The pregnancy cafes are informal with an educational input to support pregnancy and parenting.

We now deliver face to face work outdoors with clients and indoors where deemed essential to health and wellbeing and whilst following public health guidance. Alongside this we continue to offer telephone and online support.

Name: Cerebral Palsy Scotland
Service: Practical support for children and families with cerebral palsy or concerned about their child's motor development
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free, Donation, Paid for service


Cerebral Palsy Scotland is a charity that improves the lives of children and adults with cerebral palsy through specialist therapy, support and information.
We’re ambitious for people with cerebral palsy. For over 25 years our therapists have worked alongside people with cerebral palsy, their families and carers, helping them develop practical skills which transform daily life.

Founded by a group of determined parents whose children were unable to get the specialised therapy they needed close to home, we’re the only cerebral palsy charity in Scotland.

As we’ve grown, the cerebral palsy community continues to be at the heart of everything we do. Our groups reduce isolation, bringing people with cerebral palsy and their families together. Our support service offers a listening ear and advice. We share our knowledge and skills through courses, conferences and working collaboratively. We raise awareness and we campaign for life-long access to knowledgeable, compassionate services and support.

Baby buds is a fortnightly group for children aged 0-24 months and their families. We welcome any family who is concerned about their child’s motor development, or who have been given a diagnosis of cerebral palsy.

Name: Children 1st Carrick Family Wellbeing Service
Service: Online/ Telephone/ Practical and Emotional Family Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Ayrshire & Arran
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


The service provides community based emotional and practical trauma sensitive support to families of children aged 0-12, including childcare provision for children aged 0-2.  We work alongside families to understand their story, their strength and their challenges.  Our supports are designed to meet the distinct needs and strengths of each family and include; Intensive systemic support to families to address the impact of trauma and promote family recovery,  Attachment based play support to parents and their children,  Childcare provision for children aged 0-2,  Parenting support to promote  understanding of the developmental, physical, emotional and health needs of children,  Peer support groups for parents to discuss challenges and find solutions with other parents,  Practical support including access to Money and Debt Advice and support for transport from rural communities.

Family Group Decision Making Parentline Scotland – national family support service – telephone and web support available 7 days per week

Please note: Access to childcare requires referral to South Ayrshire Early Years forum.  All other aspects of the service can be accessed directly or by referral from professional.

Name: Children 1st Edinburgh Family Wellbeing Service
Service: Whole family practical, emotional and financial support for children and their families
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Lothian


Whole family approach to practical, emotional and financial support to prevent and protect children and their families from harm and to support them to recover from trauma and abuse. Focus on strengthening relationships, building resilience, and improving outcomes for children through ensuring families feel confident, valued, and supported in caring for their children in early years. Whole family support, group work and 1:1 support. Specific Dads service supporting fathers and their children under 5 years.
Maximise Early Years Service: Families accessing 10 early years centres across the city- Gilmerton EY, Hailsland, Sighthill, Stenhouse, Calderglen, Moffat, Greendykes, Granton, Fort, Craigmillar.
Families can self refer or referral on their behalf from any other agency with family agreement.
Name: Children 1st Moray Family Wellbeing Service
Service: Family support and therapeutic groups
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Grampian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


At Children 1st our ambition is for every child in Scotland to be safe, loved and well with their family. As a charity we offer emotional, practical, and financial support to help families to put children first and campaign to uphold the rights of every child.
Family support – You can link with a worker for practical and emotional support
Mums in Mind – 6 week post-natal peer support group for those struggling to cope
Bumps n Bairns – drop in pregnancy cafe for mums to be, dads and babies up to 3 mths
Name: conFAB
Service: Blended – online/phone/outdoor/indoor peer and parental support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Using arts as a tool, we create a peer supported environment that allows for information sharing, learning and reflection. Providing an informal peer led maternal support and development process that increases the participant’s confidence, skills and ability to cope with and embrace parenthood. The arts practice provides a mechanism for parents to develop a strong, positive bond with the un-born or new born babies.

Activities include group workshops, one to one workshops, cultural visits and sharing events. Workshops can include a range of arts practices including creative writing – autobiographical poetry and stories; visual arts – making a cast of your new born baby’s foot or your pregnant belly; performance – creating a play about your experience; music – creating a song that expresses your feelings about parenting etc. Workshops will include parent only sessions as well as parent and baby/child sessions. The makeup, focus and content of the activities are led by the participants.

Name: ConFAB and Young parents support base
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Young Parents Support Base offers support to young parents in Glasgow with continuing education, childcare and community outreach offering a range of services and guidance
Name: COPE Scotland
Service: Online Solution Focused Interventions and Tools To Manage Life Challenges
Type: Other Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Working with others taking a public health approach we seek to offer tools and resources on our website co designed with experts by experience on strategies to self-manage the challenges of life which can be overcome and mitigate the impact of those with no immediate solution. These resources are for self-help and self-care and do not replace professional advice. For more information please visit or follow us on @COPEScotland. You matter, your wellbeing matters. Thank you for reading.

Name: Crossreach / Bluebell Perinatal Counselling Service
Service: Face to Face and Online Counselling Support for New and Expectant parents (up until child is aged 2 years)
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal


We offer both face to face or online counselling support for new (up until child is aged 3) and/or expectant parents who are struggling to cope with day to day life and/or transitioning to parenthood. This may be due to birth trauma, anxiety, low mood, self-identity, self-esteem, relationship issues or childhood trauma. We offer a non-judgmental space to help our clients explore their issues and help them to identify coping mechanisms to support them in the here and now.
Name: Crossreach Counselling Moray
Service: Online/Telephone Perinatal Clients
Type: Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Grampian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free, Donation


Our specialist perinatal counsellors can offer a safe space to help and support you if you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, low self esteem or any negative feelings before or after having a baby. Whether you’re a pregnant Mum and expectant Dad, already a parent, a single parent, in a relationship or not, we are here for you.

Appointments are usually weekly and last around 50 minutes. We’ll discuss the day, time and frequency with you when we first meet.

There’s no fixed charge for using our Donation Perinatal Service, but we do ask for a weekly contribution for your counselling at whatever level you can afford. No-one will be turned away if they cannot afford a contribution.

Our perinatal counsellors are fully trained in online therapy, so you can safely access high quality counselling from the safety of your own home during the current COVID situation.

Name: CrossReach Perinatal Service for Lothian
Service: Video and phone counselling and also face to face counselling, art therapy and infant massage
Type: Parenting Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Donation


We are a Perinatal Counselling Service. This means we see parents for counselling who are anxious, depressed and have other feelings in relation to having a baby both prenatally and postnatal. We have experienced perinatal counsellors and therapists. Our counsellors and therapist have all completed online training and so we are able to offer: 

Video and phone counselling and also face to face counselling. (Under COVID-19 guidelines)

We provide:

Individual counselling

Group therapy

Group Art Therapy

A 10 week Group Managing Perinatal Anxiety with self-compassion

A prenatal counselling group

Along with counselling we offer Infant Massage by a practitioner trained with the International Association of Infant Massage.

As long as you are pregnant or have a child under 2 years of age you can self-refer to our service.

To contact us, email or call 01315387288, or visit our website.

Name: Dads Rock
Service: Young Dads Support and Online Antenatal Workshops for Parents
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We pair new and expectant Dads with highly trained peer support volunteers, who are more experienced Dads themselves, for mental and emotional support during the life changing transition of becoming a parent. Support is offered remotely over phone calls or Zoom for 6 weekly chat sessions. It is open to Dads all across Scotland throughout their perinatal time period (the time from when you first learn you are going to be a Dad and up to your baby’s first birthday). Our peer support volunteers can help with a range of parenting issues and help new Dads to build confidence and resilience, and reduce social isolation.
We run monthly free antenatal and parenting workshops (sleep, first aid) for dads and mums, both online and in person (Edinburgh/Glasgow).
Our Young Dad Project supports young men in Edinburgh and Glasgow on a one to one basis, getting to know them and building a programme of support to help give them the skills and confidence to enjoy being a Dad.


Name: Dr Bells Family Centre
Service: Family support/ group work
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free, Paid for service


Dr Bell’s Family Centre is a family and community centre, based in the heart of Leith, Edinburgh. We work with families from pregnancy to the child’s fourth birthday. We offer a variety of services to help support the parents and young families of Leith.
Bumps & Bairns- Bumps & Bairns takes place weekly and is suitable for expectant parents and those with newborn babies up to 6 months. It is an informal group and families can meet over a cuppa and a chat, it is a chance to meet other families in a safe space for support and advice.
Buggy fit- Join us for a weekly outdoor buggy fitness class for parents. Our fitness instructor Roz is a qualified post natal fitness coach as well as being trained in delivering outdoor fitness classes, Suitable for families with children under 1.
Baby Massage-
We have a paid group and a referral group (referrals from relevant professional)
Our Baby Massage sessions run for a block of four weeks and costs £25 for the block.
It is suitable for babies up to crawling stage.
For counselling- We offer free counselling to parents living in Leith with a child under 5 years.
Name: Dumfries Toy Library
Service: Telephone, one-to-one, small group, practical family support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Dumfries & Galloway
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


New mums and mums-to-be are matched with other parent befrienders offering weekly calls and support with parenting and other related issues.
Weekly group meeting offers a safe comfortable space to meet other mums and children to help learn and share together. 
Baby massage, parenting, PEEP, mental health, and breast-feeding support offered as one-to-one and small groups. Supported family play sessions are also offered.
Counselling support, currently by telephone can be arranged. We offer a safe non -judgmental space for pregnant women and parents to help cope with life circumstances.

Name: East Lothian PANDAS
Service: In-person/ Telephone/ Email/ Online Support for Pregnancy/ New Mums
Type: Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


A peer support service for pregnant women and women who have babies/ toddlers who are experiencing anxiety and/or depression. In-person groups are held every fortnight on a Tuesday evening.

Name: Family Mediation Central Scotland
Service: Telephone/Online one-to one or family support
Type: Other Support
Location: Forth Valley
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Parenting Support Service – assistance in managing arrangements for contact for your baby with their other parent when you do not live together. Conflict management, indirect Digital Post Box Service under present restrictions, face-to-face supervised contact under normal circumstances.

Name: Fathers Network Scotland
Service: Online/SMS/WhatsApp support for families and training support to health professionals
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Fathers Network Scotland offer training and support to health professionals, local authorities and service providers across Scotland to help them better engage with dads. Much of our work is focused on supporting dads during the perinatal phase, with a particular focus on paternal mental health. We also provide a lot of communications and support for dads and families across Scotland via our popular social media channels, our SMS information sharing service for new dads and our WhatsApp group for dads. In addition to this, we hold a directory of dad-friendly services on our website and provide signposting to organisations nearby for dads who are looking for support.

– Facebook –
– Twitter –
– Website:

Name: Fife Gingerbread
Service: 1:1 support, Groups, peer support, signposting
Type: Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Fife
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Fife Gingerbread is a voluntary sector organisation that provides information, advice and support to lone parents and families in need all over Fife .  The Early years team provide support to young families though the perinatal period with a particular focus on attachment, relationships, play, nurture and stability.  Our workers are all highly trained to deliver: Mellow programs including Bumps, babies, toddlers, mums and Dads; Baby Massage: Book Bug: Pre Birth Groups as well as play, cooking and support groups.

Since the pandemic we have developed a blended model of working using online platforms as well as face to face provision. Added to this we operate an Advice line available to any lone parent in Fife to help them access specialist support and address immediate and long-term needs.

Name: Fife Sands
Service: Online/ phone befrienders, online group support
Type: Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Fife
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Group support – bereaved families can be supported by befrienders present and other bereaved families who understand and help you navigate life after the death of a baby.  Online support – befrienders can text/ email support as you need it. Next pregnancy peer support – supporting you through pregnancy after the loss of a baby. Remembrance events – coming together to remember all our precious babies. We hold summer and Christmas events each year. 

Name: Firsthand Lothian
Service: On line & Telephone Practical Family Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Delivered in the family home and local community  families are matched with a worker who will visit them on a regular, usually weekly, basis.  The service is tailored to meet the needs of each individual family.

Whilst continuing to deliver online and via Portals (supplied),  spending 1:1 time with children out of the home will resume as soon as restrictions allow.

Name: Forth Valley Sands
Service: Online/ Phone Befrienders for Bereaved Parents and families
Type: Peer Support
Location: Forth Valley
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Peer Befriender support to bereaved parents and families via phone, face to face, email or through our monthly support group (after covid 19 crisis is over)

Name: Glasgow South PANDAS Support Group
Service: Online Peer Support for Parents
Type: Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


A safe space to talk about the struggles of parenthood with non judgemental friendly people. We will be running regular video calls instead of the face to face group meetings at the moment

Name: Healthy n Happy CDT
Service: Parent Cafes, Early Years Activities, Baby Massage
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Lanarkshire
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free, Paid for service


Best Start Early Years Activities such as our Baby Café, Ally Bally music sessions for both babies and toddlers, Baby Massage Courses, Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support

South Lanarkshire (Cambuslang and Rutherglen)


Free, Paid for service



We provide a relaxed and friendly environment where you can meet other parents/carers of babies and toddlers and enjoy light refreshments while getting practical help, support and ideas for enjoying your child. 

Opportunities include:

  • Weekly Baby Café
  • Ally Bally Bounce and Beat – weekly musical sessions for babies and toddlers. Singing, rhymes, dance, and rhythm! A fun class to learn to sing, count and meet new friends (fees apply).
  • Baby massage courses where you can learn to massage your baby in a relaxed and friendly environment for you and your baby (fees apply)

If you are a parent/carer living in the area of Cambuslang and Rutherglen with a baby or a toddler under the age of 5, you are welcome!  Please contact HnH on 0141 646 0123 or book onto our sessions via our What’s On page:


Name: Healthy Valleys Resilient Families
Service: Online/Telephone/Practical Family Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Lanarkshire
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Resilient Families Supporting bump to baby and beyond: Resilient Families supports women through pregnancy and families with children under 5; delivering intensive one to one support and a range of educational parenting programmes. Resilient Families helps improve parenting skills including: support on family routines, cooking in the home, health and safety and Play@home.

P.E.A.C.H. Course: A fun 6-week course that includes various group work activities to support individuals with parenting skills, increase confidence and meet new families. (Course content is currently being delivered via online weekly peer support sessions)

Volunteer Support: Trained volunteers can offer 1:1 support to assist our beneficiaries in attending vital healthcare appointments, community activities and the P.E.A.C.H. Programme. (support is limited in line with current Covid restrictions)

Health@Home: Providing intensive support within the home to help families create a safe space to live and play as well as a start on their journey to become better at coping with everyday stresses. (support currently being delivered online, telephone and outdoor 1:1 sessions)

Other activities include: Wellbeing Calls, Baby and Child First Aid, Baby Massage, Breastfeeding Support, Weaning Workshops, Play, Read, Sing Sessions, Buggy Walks, Healthy Bump – Healthy Baby Course and online Cooking Courses.

Name: Held In Our Hearts
Service: Phone/ Text/ Online Befriending/ Counselling for Bereaved Parents
Type: Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Fife, Forth Valley, Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Peer support – a befriender is a bereaved parent who can offer support via phone, email, text or zoom. This can be arranged between yourself and befriender and is free and open ended.

Counselling – free to bereaved parents who feel stuck in their grief or need extra support. Once a week for an hour via telephone or facetime or zoom.

Monthly befriending support groups are available for anyone bereaved.

We also offer trauma support (complex PTSD).


Name: Home-Start: Fife and Forth Valley
Service: Online/ Phone Parent Befrienders
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Fife, Forth Valley
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Help with breastfeeding and nutrition, mental health and childhood development.
You will be matched for 6 months to a year (or longer if you need it) to a parent befriender who will give you practical and emotional support. During Covid-19 this support will be virtual. We also run breastfeeding and nutrition groups, cooking groups and other toddler/ baby groups including Bookbugs and Stay & Play.

Name: Home-Start Aberdeen
Service: Practical and emotional support for parents and families
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Grampian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Families are matched with a trained volunteer who visits them in their own home, providing practical and emotional support, individually tailored to meet the family’s needs. We also offer a weekly Family Group, a parent peer support group and a perinatal mental health peer support group. We work with the whole family, helping parents gain the skills and confidence they need to develop and maintain a warm and secure relationship with their children, and to meet their physical, emotional and developmental needs.

Name: Home-Start Angus
Service: Practical and emotional support for parents and families
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We offer volunteer-led support to parents and parents-to-be either in their own homes or at our weekly family groups. Our volunteers are all parents themselves, with a wide range of life-experiences. They all know that whilst becoming a parent can be the most rewarding experience, it can also bring with it many challenges. Our volunteers undertake preparation training, are PVG registered and receive regular support and supervision from our small staff team. They can visit you at home weekly, and can provide non-judgemental support – a listening ear, emotional support or practical help, all taken at the pace that suits you and your family. If you are interested in finding out more about having a Home-Start volunteer or in joining us at one of our supported family groups, please get in touch

Name: Home-Start Caithness
Service: Online/Telephone/Practical family support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Highland
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We recruit, select and train volunteers, who have parenting skills themselves, to provide a home-visiting service to families. The volunteers provide confidential, non-judgmental, practical and emotional support to help families deal with a range of difficulties from isolation, loneliness, poor mental health, disability, separation, low income and the associated stresses or who just want a little bit of support with their parenting skills. Our Family Support worker and Family co-ordinator also support individual families. During the Covid-19 pandemic we are supporting families by text messaging, phone and video calls, as home-visiting is not possible. Group support. Parenting classes for fathers.

Name: Home-Start Clackmannanshire
Service: Online/Telephone/Practical Family Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Forth Valley
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Family Support Service – trained Family Support Volunteers are matched to local families to offer emotional and practical support.

Direct Support – Offered to Families at risk of statutory interventions or ‘in crisis’ by Staff Team.

Weekly Family Support Groups – currently offered online (Weekly Blether, Quizzes/ Bingo, Crafts, Storytelling etc)

Name: Home-Start Dundee
Service: Online Peer Support for Parents
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We are a local charity for parents and/or carers within the city of Dundee who have at least one child aged 5 years old or under.

We offer emotional, practical and wellbeing support as well as Breast Feeding Support, Peer Support, Oral Health and Nutritional Advice and Perinatal support .

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic all of our support services are currently being offered via phone calls, video links, text and email. To support parents and carers in their individual parenting journeys, we have a wide range of services available: Online Live Groups and Peer Support with our Breast Buddies Co-ordinator and ongoing video links to Healthy Eating recipes with our Oral Health Co-ordinator Sarah.  We also offer Zoom or Teams Video Support for individual weekly/fortnightly contact with Ash our Family Co-ordinator and Estelle our Young Parent Co-ordinator & Group Worker. Fiona our administrator is working daily to ensure all new referrals reach the correct Co-ordinator. We also have a Volunteer Development Co-ordinator, Sheila, if anyone would like to request an application pack to become a volunteer or volunteer Trustee.  Our manager Alison can also provide support and guidance with all the above and give direction and support where needed most.

We are still accepting self referrals and referrals for other agencies and organisations.

Name: Home-Start Dunfermline
Service: We provide support throughout Perinatal Period and beyond through our Home-Visiting Volunteers and Groups
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Fife
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start Dunfermline matches trained volunteers with families; volunteers then visit families in their home to provide practical and emotional support. Peer support Groups are also available: Baby Club on Mondays – for mum’s and babies up to one year old,

Outreach Groups in Inverkeithing and Rosyth on Wednesdays, and Family Group on Thursdays.  We also provide Infant Massage classes in various locations throughout Dunfermline and South West Fife.

Name: Home-Start East Fife
Service: Phone Support for Families
Type: Other Support
Location: Fife
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start East Fife normally matches trained volunteers with families, volunteers then visit families in their home to provide practical and emotional support. At the current time face to face support is suspended and families are being supported by phone. We accept self referrals as well as referrals from other professionals.

Name: Home-Start East Lothian
Service: Telephone/ Online Video Support, Parent Befriending and Breastfeeding Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start East Lothian provides services for families in East Lothian with at least one child under 5 years old.

1-1 support:

Parents/carers/families will usually be visited once a week at home by a member of staff or a trained volunteer. Visits can also be arranged in the local community.

Family support aims to build on your strengths, increasing your capacity to cope with challenges and work toward your goals. Goals are discussed and agreed through an initial visit with one of the Home-Start Coordinators who can relate to –

  • parent/carer-child relationships
  • managing children’s behaviour
  • active involvement in children’s learning
  • physical activity
  • improving mental health
  • financial awareness and management skills
  • social isolation
  • safety awareness
  • skills and qualifications development


Group support:

All our groups are a place for safe and confidential sharing, listening and offering peer support.

  • Baby massage is open to parents/carers and most appropriate for babies aged 6 weeks to 6 months.
  • There are various drop-in groups across East Lothian in Tranent, Haddington & Dunbar. Supporting children between 0-2 years. We also runa  group for families of multiples.

You can check venue and times of these groups on our Facebook page where information is updated regularly.

Name: Home-Start Edinburgh
Service: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Groups
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start Edinburgh provides services for families in North East, North West and South West Edinburgh with at least one child under 5 years old.

1-1 support:

Parents/carers/families will usually be visited once a week at home by a member of staff or a trained volunteer. Visits can also be arranged in the local community.

Family support aims to build on your strengths, increasing your capacity to cope with challenges and work toward your goals. Goals are discussed and agreed through an initial ‘visit’ with one of the Home-Start Coordinators who can relate to –

  • parent/carer-child relationships
  • managing children’s behaviour
  • active involvement in children’s learning
  • physical activity
  • improving mental health
  • financial awareness and management skills
  • safety awareness
  • skills and qualifications development


Group support:

All our groups are a place for safe and confidential sharing, listening and offering peer support.

  • Baby massage is open to parents/carers and most appropriate for babies aged 6 weeks to 6 months.
  • Peep groups are open to parents/carers with babies/toddlers up to 1 year old.
  • Other opportunities for learning are explored and can take the form of drop-in groups for families with children up to age 5.

You can join one of our Infant Massage or baby Peep group (location dependant).

Infant massage focuses on the benefits of touch and communication to support bonding and attachment.

Peep Learning Together Programme focuses on singing storytelling and activities you can do in the home to support your baby’s learning and development and enhance your relationships.


Health Visitor and Midwife referrals will be prioritised, but self-referrals also accepted.



Name: Home-Start Garioch
Service: Online/ Phone Support for New Mums
Type: Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Grampian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We match the mum to a home visiting volunteer to provide one to one support, practical and or emotional. We can make a referral to our volunteer counsellor. We can make a referral to a perinatal mental health peer support group held within our building. We deliver the mellow bumps programme.

Name: Home-Start Glasgow North and North Lanarkshire
Service: 1:1 support for families in homes/online/telephone, support groups, intensive perinatal support, Video Interaction Guidance
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Families with at least one child under 5, living in North Glasgow or North Lanarkshire, are matched with a trained volunteer who provides emotional/practical support to parents/carers who need some extra help coping with everyday life. By supporting parents, we are supporting the entire family.

Over half the families we support are asylum seekers, refugees or from BAME communities. Referrals come from a variety of sources, eg Health Visitors, Perinatal teams, Mother and Baby Unit, psychologists and Social Workers, and families can also self-refer.

For families facing immediate crisis during the perinatal phase, we provide intensive support for approximately 8 weeks, thereafter families will be transferred to volunteer support.

We facilitate several group activities for parents and their children – Family Group, Nurture Group and Walk, Talk and Play. We have several bespoke groups, such as Dad Matters and Café Stork (for perinatal mums/dads). We provide Video Interaction Guidance and training courses for parents and volunteers, such as Baby Massage and Pediatric First Aid.

Name: Home-Start Glasgow South
Service: Online/ Telephone Befrienders for Parents, Support Groups, Intensive virtual support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Peer Support – You will be matched with a trained volunteer befriender or staff member who will provide holistic support aiming to improve emotional wellbeing and reduce isolation. Support is flexible and can be adapted to meet your needs. Referrals accepted

Intensive Support – A Family Support Worker will provide intensive support for families already working with Social Work, Health and Education who have identified the need for more intensive support during the perinatal and antenatal period. Please note this service does not accept direct referrals and will only accept referrals through a midwife or Health Visitor, Social Work, Health and Education

Dads & Weans – Supporting Dads in the earliest stages of parenting. This group takes a peer-to-peer approach bringing dads together in a safe environment, supporting them to feel safe to share their parenting experiences and challenges. Dad Workers and other dads are able to support one another to overcome these challenges while providing friendship and reducing isolation.

Dads Antenatal Workshops are designed for Dads and partners to get the most out of the time leading up to becoming a parent. Starting the bonding process while baby is in the womb, we use Solihull principles and NHS antenatal information to nurture more engaged and interactive partners. This support is for the benefit of the whole family.

Name: Home-Start Glenrothes
Service: Online/ Telephone / Practical and emotional support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Fife
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Perinatal support is offered by trained  staff, a peer support group is available and/or  home visiting with a staff member to offer practical and emotional support, help with breast feeding, mental health and development. At present due to Covid 19 support is weekly by phone or on-line.

Name: Home-Start Levenmouth
Service: Perinatal Support Group/Home-Visiting Volunteers/Telephone Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Fife
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We provide support throughout Perinatal Period and beyond through our Home-Visiting Volunteers and Groups.

Name: Home-Start Lorn
Service: Weekly Home-Visits (due to current restrictions we offer outdoor visits or telephone/skype support)
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Highland
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start Lorn offers weekly home visiting support from trained volunteers to families with at least one child under 5. We offer practical and emotional support. This can be: listening, signposting to local services/ resources, accompany to appointments, help with routines, guidance, peer support. We also run a ‘Bumps & Babies’ group in Salen on Mull and occasional Messy Play Sessions.

Name: Home-Start Orkney
Service: Phone/In person Peer Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Orkney
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


In addition to volunteer mentors, we also have a weekly Group Support programme, offering both peer support for parents and activities to help strengthen core development in children.  We also offer a Breast Buddies service, which is complementary to NHS Orkney’s Peer Support Breastfeeding service, in which trained staff are able to support and advise breastfeeding parents and parents-to-be who are referred to our service.


Our new website is currently in development, and so we don’t currently have one.  Instead, we can be contacted via our Facebook page


Name: Home-Start Renfrewshire and Inverclyde
Service: Parent Befrienders (Currently Online/ Telephone)
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We will offer you 1:1 practical and emotional support through a trained volunteer for 2 to 3 hours per week in the family home. We will provide a non-judgmental listening ear, a safe environment for peer support and appropriate signposting. Families will also have the opportunity to join our various groups, providing peer support and activities for parents and young children.

Name: Home-Start Stirling
Service: Online/ Phone Parent Befrienders
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Forth Valley
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start Stirling provides support to families in the Stirling area who have young children and are experiencing challenging times. At present we offer a weekly call (phone or video) to provide emotional support and can offer doorstep support for families that are self-isolating who require essentials such as food, prescriptions etc. Anyone can refer themselves or another to the services.

Name: Home-Start West Lothian
Service: Parent Befriending (Currently Online/ Telephone)
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start West Lothian provides support to families in the West Lothian area who have young children and are experiencing challenging times. Trained volunteers are currently providing emotional support and practical advice over the telephone or on video calls. Families can also join our virtual groups, providing peer support and activities for parents and young children.

Name: Home-Start Wigtownshire
Service: Home Visiting/ Family Groups (currently Virtual)
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Dumfries & Galloway
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Home-Start Wigtownshire provides weekly home visiting support from support workers and trained volunteers to families with at least one child under 5. We offer practical and emotional support. This can be: listening, signposting to local services/ resources, accompany to appointments, help with routines, guidance, peer support. We also run 5 family groups throughout Wigtownshire, including a Dads Group. The groups are facilitated by a project worker and volunteers also help. The groups provide a range of activities for parent/ child in a safe and welcoming environment such as: arts/ crafts, storytelling, music, outdoor activities and guest speakers. The project worker can also liaise with other agencies on behalf of the parent.

Name: Home Link Family Support
Service: Online/telephone support and advice for families
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We offer a wide range of Early Years home visiting services that complement the offer of 1140 hours. These include:

1. Early Years Family Support Service

Who is it for?

Families in Edinburgh with children under 5, experiencing some form of difficulty.

What to expect?

Regular home visiting from a family support worker, for up to a year.
Support tailored to the family’s needs and personalised goals.

2. Antenatal Support Services (Edinburgh)

Who is it for?

Expectant families or families who have had a baby in the last 8 weeks who could benefit from some extra support. Families can refer themselves or can be referred by any professionals working with them eg: midwives, Health Visitors, Social Workers, Early Years Workers, GP’s etc

What to expect

Visits from our antenatal coordinator for 2 hours every 2 weeks throughout pregnancy and through the first year of baby’s life; build on families existing strengths; discussions with regards to possible support plans which are tailored to individual’s needs; practical help and support with regards to parenting.

3.Family Volunteer Service

Who is it for?

Anyone in South Edinburgh who has at least one child under 5, or expecting a baby. We can provide a friendly non-judgemental person to help you at home for a couple of hours a week.

What to expect?

A Co-ordinator will visit you first to explain our service and ask you about the kind of help you need. Then you may be matched with a volunteer and have regular meetings with the Coordinator to review how the Volunteer support is going.

When you are matched with a Volunteer, they will usually visit you at home once a week for a couple of hours, for up to 6 months to 1 year. You can decide what you want the Volunteer to help you with. They can’t babysit or look after the children when you are not in the house, but they are trained to support you and are great with kids. During the time your Volunteer visits you, the Co-ordinator is in regular contact with both the Volunteer and you, to make sure everyone’s happy with the way things are going. You can ask for the visits to stop at any stage.

4.Early Years Family Practitioner

Who is it for?

The Early Years Family Practitioner works in partnership with children and families who attend Mayfield Nursery School.

What do we offer?

This service offers confidential home visiting family support, family learning opportunities in the home and/or group activities. We promote family wellbeing and can provide support plans tailored to the family’s individual identified needs.

5.Early Years Systemic Family Support Service

Who is it for?

Families in Midlothian with children under 5, experiencing some form of difficulty.

What do we offer?

We offer support to families who may need a bit more guidance with regards to family routines, early learning, family relationships, play and emotional well-being. We can also help you to access local groups or put you in touch with other support services within your community.

6.Midlothian Young Parents Support Service

Who is it for?

This service is for parents in Midlothian under 25 years of age who have a child aged 3 or under.

What to expect

Our Co-ordinator will provide regular home visiting support for 12-18 months. Support will focus on the identified family needs and could include areas such as: access to local services and advice; family learning through play; emotional well-being; local groups and parenting.




Name: Home Start East Highland
Service: Online/ Phone Family and Child Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Highland
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Families are matched with trained and committed staff and/or volunteers that will provide practical support to help you and your family face the challenges of parenting and sustaining a family in difficult circumstances. We provide additional support regarding: ASN, Domestic abuse, Advocacy, Multiple births, Befriending, Substance misuse, Lone parenting, Mental health concerns, Social isolation, Access to services, Child protection register, Post-natal depression, Learning disabilities, Teenage pregnancy, Tenancy sustainment, Household budgeting, Crisis management.

Name: Home Start Edinburgh West and South West
Service: Online Groups / Ad-hoc Outdoor Groups/ Phone support for parents
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Group work/ classes: Initial online introductions are 1:1 then you can join an Infant Massage or baby Peep group. Infant massage focuses on the benefits of touch and communication to support bonding and attachment.

The Peep Learning Together Programme focuses on singing, story telling and activities you can do in the home to support your baby’s learning and development and enhance your relationships. All our groups are a place for safe and confidential sharing, listening and offering peer support.

We hope parents will get to know one another in small Infant Massage groups and go on to meet a wider peer group at baby Peep. A limited number of small sensory packs are available for use at home and to bring to Peep if / when face to face meetings become possible.

Parental Support: You will be matched with a trained and committed parent befriender, either a volunteer or member of staff, who will support you in a way to suit you, eg a weekly call, text, WhatsApp, email or video call, with listening support, encouragement, and ideas. We can also meet outside if government guidelines permit. Health visitor and midwife referrals will be prioritised but self referrals also accepted.

Name: Home Start Perth and Kinross
Service: Online/telephone/practical support and signposting
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


During COVID, families with children under the age of 5 can be referred to us for emotional support and signposting to relevant services. Our trained volunteers will provide weekly telephone calls offering advice, support and friendship.

Please contact us or 01738638847.

Name: InsideOutside Therapy
Service: Family based Play Therapy sessions for infants and their families
Type: Parenting Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Paid for service


Sara is a member of the Association for Infant Mental Health and specialises in deepening the bonds of attachment through infant and family Play Therapy sessions. Sara offers trauma-informed bespoke Play Therapy sessions designed to follow the needs of the infant and their family, including creative, sensory, story, nurturing touch, movement and yoga play together. Reasons for referral might include generational trauma, attachment and bonding related difficulties alongside a wide range of other issues. Referrals are also welcome during pregnancy.
Name: Juno
Service: Online perinatal mental health and birth trauma peer support groups
Type: Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We offer a safe, friendly, non judgemental space to access peer support and information, through our weekly peer support groups for mums and mums-to-be. Our main aim at Juno is to help mums with perinatal mental health difficulties know that they are not alone. We support mums who are experiencing anything from the mild baby blues, through to postnatal depression, anxiety, OCD and birth trauma.

We are currently operating a weekly Zoom group, every Monday evening from 8-9pm. We are also now bringing back our face-to-face groups, post Covid. Please email us on for up-to-date details.

Name: Kidz-Eco CIC
Service: Practical Support for Parents and Children
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Lothian


Kidz-Eco Bumpz 2 Babiez programme provides support to expectant families or with a child two and under.

Our Community Development Officers offer information, guidance and support to parents through 1:1 and group workshops:
4 week antenatal course
3 week practical weaning course
5 week baby massage course
Weekly Bumpz/Buggy Walks
Sensory Classes

We also offer place-based peer support from our weekly Bumpz 2 Babiez perinatal café.


Name: La Leche League GB
Service: Online groups for parents and parents-to-be thinking about breastfeeding, Online/Telephone/Text one-to-one support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Fife, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, Lothian, Shetland, Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


–Group meetings (online) are with others who are breastfeeding or thinking about breastfeeding, to talk through all aspects of breastfeeding and parenting from pregnancy to weaning and beyond.
–Antenatal classes offered to families interested in learning more about preparing for breastfeeding.
–One-to-one support provided by breastfeeding counsellors for breastfeeding support (via telephone, video, text or email)

Name: LATNEM – Let’s All Talk North East Mums
Service: Online Video Conference Meetings and Chat Group for Mums
Type: Peer Support
Location: Grampian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


LATNEM (SC051029) are a mental health peer support charity for mums and birthing people.


We have in person and online peer support groups where children are very welcome.


Mums and birthing people will find a kind, warm place to talk about what’s happening for them and receive peer support and signposting from trained volunteers.

Contact us

Name: Let’s Grow Kids UK
Service: Therapeutic Session work, Perinatal Support Service, General Family Support - Online, In groups and 1:1 session work
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Highland
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Every parent who is introduced to Let’s Grow Kids UK have their needs triaged by our professional team. Our parents then receive a suite of session work delivered by the most appropriate specialist within the team to meet their needs at that point of introduction. This changes as our parents needs change and for this reason our parents don’t just access a service, they become part of the team. Parents are not only invited to shape their own goals but also to shape our service.
Parents wanting peer support are invited to join our group sessions facilitated by our staff. Parenting support is facilitated by our specialist staff as is counselling and wellbeing programmes.
Name: Little Loves Yoga CIC
Service: Parent and child wellbeing training
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Dumfries & Galloway
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free, Paid for service


We offer a range of training programs for those who wish to enter the parent and child wellbeing sector. As a community interest company, the profit from these training programs goes back into offering free spaces in our community events for those who need it most. Training costs are £99

Name: Mellow Programmes
Service: Online Support to Practitioners trained in Mellow Programmes/ direct online groups to parents to be (Mellow Bumps) Mellow Babies and Mellow Toddlers
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free, Donation


Our online service covers two areas:
Firstly we train practitioners to deliver Mellow Programmes, offering them constant support, reflective consultation, evaluation and accreditation. There are training fees.
Secondly, we have started to deliver our own online groups to parents to be (Mellow Bumps) as well as Mellow Babies and Mellow Toddlers free to parents.
All Mellow Programmes offer a safe nurturing environment in which parents are welcomed in a safe non judgmental space, with interactive discussion and activities to promote parent child relationships.

Name: Mental Health Network Greater Glasgow
Service: Signposting and Mental Health Rights Advice
Type: Other Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We can signpost to appropriate HSCP and 3rd Sector mental health and support services. We can support people to develop advance statements and wellness plans as well as explain the mental health treatment process.

Name: Merry Go Round
Service: Telephone/ Online Support for Mums
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free, Donation


Peer support: We have an online group called Mum’s the Word which is a peer support space for mums. Parenting Support: we have a Breastfeeding support group run by a NCT feeding councillor who can give one to one support as well as social support to mums and mums to be. Other: We have 2 music classes which allow parents and their children to join us online for some virtual sing a long sessions to help reduce the feelings of isolation. All our events, classes and support groups are being delivered online

Name: Midlothian Sure Start
Service: Online/telephone/doorstep practical support for parents to be/new parents
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


New and expectant parents will be linked with either our Mums or Dads Worker. We offer 4 weeks of our A Good Start (AGS) Dads2B course for expectant fathers. AGS Mums2B are offered 1:1 or group support. Our AGS post natal programme for mums and dads are currently available online for individuals or groups and offers infant massage, infant weaning, baby brain development, sleep and play and an opportunity to meet and share experiences as a new parent. Telephone counselling service.

Name: MindMosaic Counselling and Therapy
Service: Telephone/ Video Link Counselling for New Parents
Type: Parenting Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Donation


MindMosaic Counselling and therapy provides services throughout Inverclyde. Our specialist perinatal counsellors can offer a safe space to help and support before or after having a baby. We provide support to mums & dads whether in a relationship or not, from pregnancy until your baby is 2 years.  We offer a variety of counselling modalities (CBT, Psychodynamic, Person-Centred, Integrative Counselling and Trauma Therapy)

Services are offered Face to Face or by telephone or video link. (all services are currently provided by video or telephone in line with government guidelines)

Parents are also able to access Post Natal support groups (currently delivered via zoom) as well as regular mindfulness meditations on our YouTube channel.

Self-referral accepted and also referral from other professional e.g. Midwife, GP, Health Visitor, CPN

Name: Mind Your Head
Service: Practitioner led Wellbeing Drop in group and one to one low level wellbeing support.
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Shetland
Cost: Free


Wellbeing Group
Our Wellbeing Group meets every Tuesday from 10.00-12.00 at Islesburgh Community Centre. This is an inclusive drop in group opento individuals with children aged 2.5 years and
under. This is a relaxed and welcoming group led by our Wellness Practitioners where you can come and grab a hot drink and spend some time with other families. There are no obligations at our group, just turn up. There will be a selection of age-appropriate toys available for the children as well as themed days throughout the year.
One-to-One Support
One-to-one is a free and confidential low level supported wellbeing service for individuals aged 18 and over with infantsunder the age of 2.5 years. Our Wellness Practitioners will work alongside individuals to improve their mental wellbeing, confidence, resilience and day to day functioning. Support will be for up to 6 months.
Sessions will be tailored to meet the individuals needs and may include: Guided self help techniques and coping strategies; Support to groups and activities; Signposting to other appropriate agencies; All support is face to face where possible at present.
Name: Miscarriage Services
Service: Pregnancy loss support with groups, 1:1's, phone service, support packs
Type: Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Cost: Free


An early pregnancy loss charity which provides support for women and men after miscarriage and next pregnancy.
Name: Money Matters Money Advice Centre
Service: Telephone/ Email Advice for Money Queries
Type: Other Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Money Matters is a phone and email welfare benefit and money advice service for those with questions or worries.

Money Matters has launched a dedicated phone line for any staff of Perinatal and Infant Mental Health third sector organisations and their clients who may wish to access support and advice in a time of need. It offers a free confidential service for welfare benefits, money/ debt advice, energy advice and financial capability work.

This phone line can be accessed on 0141 445 7617. When you call you will be transferred to an adviser or a call back will be arranged, same day, for a phone or video appointment. When calling the number please quote: PIMH.

Name: Multi-Cultural Family Base
Service: Online/phone/practical support to BAME families in the City of Edinburgh
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


The Early Years Service at Multi-Cultural Family Base provides support to BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) families with very young children who are in need.  Our staff, who are trained in Social Work, Infant Mental Health, Therapeutic skills, Baby massage… offer individual or group support to families with an emphasis on promoting good mental health through positive attachments, encouraging play, providing practical assistance where families are experiencing disadvantage and working alongside families and communities to promote social inclusion and equality.  We welcome self-referrals and referrals from our partners in health, social work and other voluntary agencies. Families may also receive a service from our Social Work student colleagues who are on placement with us. We do not provide interpreters, but some of us are bilingual in community languages, or can help you to access communication support.  Our service is free and open to those who are resident in the City of Edinburgh.    

Name: Mummy Social
Service: Online support for Mums and Mums-To-Be
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Our social media pages offer support, positivity, fun and cover the good, challenging and fun aspects of parenting. We usually offer the social side of this too as we understand that maternal loneliness is very real. We are looking into virtual socials to try and keep mums connected.

Name: National Childbirth Trust
Service: Breastfeeding Support (Peer Led)
Type: Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We run peer support led breastfeeding services in Lothian and Greater Glasgow and Clyde areas. This includes support groups as well as support on postnatal and neonatal wards.

Name: Nova Foundation
Service: Online Antenatal Classes
Type: Parenting Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Paid for service


An 8 hour antenatal course for parents pregnant after a loss to feel positive about birth and more prepared for their next stage of parenthood. For parents who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or loss of a child, our classes provide a safe, hopeful, reassuring space to feel less anxious about birth and beyond, through learning hypnobirthing and anxiety reduction techniques, and the practical parenting skills to help you feel confident in welcoming your rainbow baby home. Our classes are run by a babyloss Mum who wanted to provide tailored antenatal education for other babyloss parents. In addition to the usual antenatal topics we cover inductions, C-sections, interventions, mental wellbeing, managing grief and triggers and feeling prepared however birth unfolds. Nova understands that you may feel like you will never bring a baby home, and that when you do you will have no idea how to look after baby. We will gently guide you through the early days of life with a newborn such as safer sleep, baby item essentials, feeding (bottle and formula), how to burp and hold baby, managing your lack of sleep, nappy changing, bathing, early nurturing, remembering your baby who died and enjoying their sibling. This course is available at: £80

Name: Nurture Baby and Me C.I.C
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal


We run facilitated classes, free drop-in support groups and workshops, such as breastfeeding preparation, breastfeeding support, baby massage, pregnancy wellbeing sessions, parent and baby wellbeing sessions, sensory/messy play for babies/toddlers, starting solids or tummy time workshops, support for twins and multiple parents and dads or other parent.

All of our sessions and groups focus on providing a relaxing and welcoming space for parents to discuss relevant subjects to parenting.

Our classes and sessions are accessible to all and we provide our classes/sessions on a pay what you can basis.

Name: Nurture the Borders
Service: Telephone/ Online Emotional and Practical Support for Pregnancy and Postnatal
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Borders
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free, Donation


Peer Support: You will be given regular one to one support from our trained volunteer mum befriends via telephone and video link. Perinatal Support Officers; One to one support from our team who are able to support you with a whole host of emotional and practical things such as managing anxiety or coping with a colicky baby. Our weekly live antenatal classes combine gentle movement, antenatal education and relaxation delivered via video link so you can participate from home. Our weekly Antenatal Support Group is run on a Thursday evening via live video link. This is a safe space to chat with other pregnant women, ask questions, share experiences and gain support from our perinatal support officers. Our weekly cuppa club is run on a Tuesday morning via live video link. This is a safe non judgemental space to chat with other women going through the perinatal period, share experiences and gain support, tips and advice from our perinatal support officers and volunteer mum befriends.

Name: One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS)
Service: In-person/online/Telephone Helpline support for single parent families
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, Lothian, Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


OPFS offers tailored support to single parents across Scotland, with local services available in Dundee, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow and Lanarkshire. Services include mental health and wellbeing support, financial advice, peer support groups, and access to practical resources for families in need. For those in the perinatal and antenatal phase, OPFS provides emotional support, parenting workshops, and connections to community resources. Support is offered in person through local hubs, as well as online and by phone, ensuring accessibility for all families.

Name: Orkney Rape & Sexual Assault Service (ORSAS) SCIO
Service: Trauma Informed Emotional Support, Advocacy & Practical Support
Type: Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Orkney
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


ORSAS offers trauma informed emotional support, advocacy through legal and court process to anyone, regardless of gender, who has experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives and may become triggered by pregnancy and/or parenthood. We also support young people up to the age of 25 through our COMET+ project which provides sex education, positive relationship education and targeted prevention support to the most vulnerable in our community. (Young people with learning difficulties, looked after young people or other characteristics that may increase their vulnerability to child sexual exploitation , CSE).. We also provide Advocacy support to report through legal and court support

Name: Outside the Box
Service: Online/Telephone Peer Support
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Online information on women’s employment rights as well as practical and emotional support for women through maternity and on their return to work.

We are able to offer a safe, non judgemental space to share your experience of how you are being treated in the workplace during pregnancy, maternity, on return to work and sign post you to useful supports/resources and information.

Name: PaNDAS
Service: Peer support via online / e-mail / telephone for mums, dads and families
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We are there to offer help and support to parents and their networks who are struggling with perinatal mental health. We offer Peer support groups which offer a fantastic opportunity to meet up with other parents affected by perinatal mental illness. Our team of PaNDAS Support Group Leaders are on hand to provide information about local activities and services, whilst also offering support and advice.  We also have a helpline which is free from UK landlines and mobiles open Monday – Sunday 11am to 10pm. 08081961776. Manned by a team of trained volunteers who will be happy to chat to you and direct you to the right support.  We also have an e-mail support service. Available 365 days a year. We’ll respond within 72 hours. Please get in touch if you’d like any more information regarding perinatal mental illness or are looking for support for yourself or your partner, friend or colleague.  We also have closed Facebook groups for both mums and dads.

Name: Parent to Parent
Service: Telephone/home visits/advocacy at appointments
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


A team of support workers help parents/carers of premature babies and babies and children with additional needs to cope with the challenges they face. They visit parents in the Neonatal Unit in Ninewells Hospital and at their home to give emotional support. They provide support and advocacy at meetings and appointments, give advice about managing children’s challenging behaviour, provide information about local services that can help families and run support groups. Support is continuing via phone and video links while close contact with families is not allowed.

Name: PMH Borders
Service: Telephone and in-person 1:1 Counselling for New Parents and Parents-To-Be
Type: Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Borders
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


This counselling service offers a safe, confidential and non- judgemental space to support ante-natal and post-natal women and families cope with anxiety and postnatal depression. We support women mainly, but also offer a service for fathers and partners. Telephone and face to face counselling appointments and art therapy are all provided by professionally qualified counsellors and therapists. All aspects of the service, during normal opening conditions, are supported by our supervised crèche facilities, enabling young families to easily attend.

Please note that we can only accept referrals through Health Professionals currently and do not accept self- referrals.

Name: PND and Me
Service: Online Peer Support
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


PND and Me is an online maternal mental health peer support network. With a weekly Twitter chat #PNDHour every Wednesday 8-9pm for peer support. Discussing topics from antenatal depression to having another baby after postnatal depression.

Name: Positive Birth Edinburgh
Service: Online peer support for expectant and new parents
Type: Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Positive Birth Edinburgh provides a monthly space to meet up, connect with others in Edinburgh and the Lothians and to prepare for pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period with confidence. The group meets monthly (currently online) and also has an active online group for ongoing support. We provide a safe place to share evidence based information on birth choices as well as birth experiences and stories.

Name: Post Natal Illness:
Service: One-To-One Email Support for Parents & Online Support Forum for Parents
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We offer one to one email support with one of our volunteers who are mums who have suffered from post natal depression or illness. This support will be at your pace for as long as you need it.

Also, you can post how you are feeling on our Post Natal Illness forum and moderators and other users will reply with friendly non judgmental advice

Name: Pregnancy & Postnatal Support Scotland
Service: Online Peer and Expert Support for New Parents
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


A supportive, closed Facebook group for pregnant women and mothers with a child under 6 months, run by a team of perinatal experts including midwives, psychologists, mental health campaigners, women’s health specialists and physiotherapists, doulas, pediatric first aid trainers, antenatal class and postnatal class teachers, yoga and pilates teachers. This provides both peer and expert support for women at this time.

This a group managed by Kin Collective Family Wellbeing CIC. Please email

Name: Pregnancy and Parents Centre
Service: Peer Support and Parenting Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We offer social support through a series of free groups, activities, courses, workshops and talks. These are all facilitated by a birth support facilitator and our groups encourage peer support.
Our counselling service is provided by Stephanie Turner.
Name: Pregnancy Counselling & Care (Scotland)
Service: Online Counselling for Pregnancy or New Parents
Type: Counselling / Psychological Support
Location: Lothian
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Donation


Our online counselling service is currently available to anyone who is currently pregnant or has recently given birth and is experiencing heightened anxiety or a crisis during this time. We are able to provide a limited number of sessions with one of our qualified counsellors normally within 1 week of referral.

Name: Pregnancy Sickness Support
Service: Peer Support / Helpline / Counselling / Healthcare Professional Training / Advocacy and Policy change
Type: Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal
Cost: Free, Paid for service


Women suffering with severe pregnancy sickness or Hyperemesis Gravidarum will be matched with a volunteer peer supporter who has similar lived experience and is able to provide support via WhatsApp so women feel less alone.
HG Counselling provides specialist counselling via telephone or online for up to 8 sessions. It is open to anyone who has experienced HG, whether that was 10 weeks ago or 10 years ago. This is a paid for service but subsidies are available.
Our helpline is open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and offers information and support to sufferers, their family members and healthcare professionals to ensure that every woman is empowered to get the best care possible for pregnancy sickness.
Helpline: 024 7638 2020
Name: Quarriers Family Resource Centre: Maternal Wellbeing Service
Service: Emotional/Practical Support for women and their families
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal


We offer emotional wellbeing and practical support to women and their families, from the early stages of pregnancy until their child is 3 years old.

We offer 1-1 emotional wellbeing /practical support, group support including – postnatal group, Maternal wellbeing peer support group, baby massage, Bookbug – parenting support, antenatal support for mums, Mellow Bumps group, antenatal support group for dads.



Name: Remember My Baby
Service: Remembrance Photography & Image Editing
Type: Other Support
Location: Fife, Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Remember My Baby offers remembrance photography to parents facing the loss of their baby before, during or shortly after birth. RMB also offers an image editing service if a volunteer photographer cannot provide a photography service. Both services are free of charge.

Name: Safe Families
Service: Befriending
Type: Peer Support
Location: Lothian, Tayside, Western Isles
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Safe Families exists to provide connection and community to families who are isolated and facing a difficult time. This is provided through fully trained volunteers:
Family Friend – a trained volunteer who will meet up regularly with a parent, carer or child , providing a listening ear and consistent support
Host Family – a trained volunteer who will care for a child for the day or overnight to offer parents and carers some short term respite
Resource Friend – a volunteer who can offer practical support to a family, for example by cutting the grass or decorating a room
Name: Sands
Service: In person/ online/ telephone/ social media
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Ayrshire & Arran, Dumfries & Galloway, Fife, Forth Valley, Grampian, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Shetland, Tayside
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Bereaved parents can speak to trained befrienders by telephone, online, or through social media. In areas with a local group, this befriender will be a local parent (or someone close to a loss) and they may also offer face to face group meetings. Memory boxes, helpline & online support available.. All free of charge.


Name: Scottish Cot Death Trust
Service: Online/ Phone Befriending and Counselling Support for Families
Type: Peer Support, Counselling / Psychological Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Our support services are designed for those affected by SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy). We offer help through outreach support and guidance, befriending, and counselling services. Support is tailored to the individual, whether they are a parent, grandparent, child/ sibling, or professional, and can be accessed at any time.

Our Next Infant Support Programme is a specific support service for pregnant families who have direct experience of SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy). We offer help through outreach support and guidance, befriending, and counselling services to parents and grandparents via telephone and online bereavement support, telephone and online counselling, online group support. Access to resources such as apnoea monitors and resus training can also be arranged. Ideally, enrollment on the programme should take place as early in the pregnancy as possible (12wk-26wks).

Telephone and online contact with a dedicated support worker throughout pregnancy and for a year after baby is born. Contact for as long as you need it, through weekly contact. Telephone and online counselling during and after pregnancy. Typically 8-12 weekly sessions but will be tailored to suit individuals’ needs. Telephone and online contact with befrienders for peer support. You will be matched with a family who lost a baby of a similar age and birth order. Online contact with peers who have previously enrolled on NISP.

Name: SiMBA
Service: Virtual Support Groups for Babyloss
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide, Ayrshire & Arran, Borders, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Highland, Lothian, Western Isles
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


Various weekly/ fortnightly support groups via zoom to support parents and immediate family after the loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy or after birth. Fortnightly men only group. Also a pregnant after the loss of a baby virtual meeting.

Name: Step by Step in Moray
Service: Online / Practical Family Support
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Grampian
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Step by Step in Moray (SbyS) is a charity which supports families who feel isolated or vulnerable. We help them to develop friendships, confidence and skills which will enhance their lives and enable them to give their children the best start in life.

All services are provided free of charge and due to circumstances most of these services are currently being provided online:

Warm, welcoming, friendly, supported groups for parents and children from birth to 3 years. Age-appropriate play for babies & toddlers. Arts & crafts for keepsake treasures. A listening ear and help to build relationships. Individual support from our Family Workers when needed. A secure Facebook group for parents and staff to stay informed and in touch. Information on various health and wellbeing topics. Access to various donated items through collaborative partnerships. Signposting to other agencies and organisations

Name: Stepping Stones for Families – Power of Play Project
Service: Practical family support/ Peer support groups/ telephone/ online support/ Family play sessions
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


We offer practical and emotional support for parents from pregnancy until your child turns 5 years old. We offer group play sessions which are designed to enhance your childs’ early learning and social experiences. We have our “tiny tots” baby sensory class which runs weekly & is most suited to children 0-2 years, a 12 week toddler program designed to build confidence and reduce separation anxiety and our family support and play sessions which include childcare and access to 1:1 and peer support. We also facilitate workshops on topics such as parenting, cooking, wellbeing and arts and crafts. Its a great way to meet other parents, find out about supports that are available and have fun.

Play is a universal language and we are proud to have such a culturally diverse service, this enables us to use peer support to engage with parents where language would otherwise be a barrier. 

We accept self and professional referrals, for more information please get in touch.

Name: The Association For Post Natal Illness
Service: Phone or Online Support for Postnatal Illness
Type: Parenting Support, Peer Support, Other Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Postnatal
Cost: Free


Charity Supporting anyone suffering from or affected by Post Natal Illness via our Helpline: 02073860868, by email or live via our online chat box available on our website.
Mon-Fri: 10am-2pm

Name: The Breastfeeding Network
Service: National Breastfeeding Helpline & Online BfN Drugs in Breastmilk Information Service
Type: Peer Support
Location: Scotland Wide
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


The National Breastfeeding Helpline is open 9.30am-9.30pm every single day of the year on 0300 100 0212. All calls are answered by volunteers in their own homes, all are mums who have breastfed and are trained and supported by The Breastfeeding Network and the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers. We offer friendly, non judgemental, evidence based, confidential breastfeeding information, support and reassurance. If the line is busy, callers can leave a message and someone will phone them back. Mums can also contact us for support via webchat or by sending a message to our facebook page @Nationalbreastfeedinghelpline The National Breastfeeding Helpline is funded by Public Health England and the Scottish Government.

The Breastfeeding Network’s Drugs in Breastmilk information service offered evidence based information on the safety of medication and treatments for breastfeeding mothers. Run by a small team of pharmacists and volunteers, there are a range of factsheets on the BfN website on topics including perinatal mental health and treatments for mental health issues as well as a wide range of other health issues. You can also contact the team direct via the facebook page @BfNDrugsinBreastmilkinformation, or by emailing

Name: With Kids
Service: Family Support, Peer Support, Groups
Location: Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Post/Antenatal: Antenatal, Postnatal
Cost: Free


With Kids offers a range of therapeutic services to children, parents/carers and professionals working with children. This includes therapy, one to one and group support, activities, training and CPD workshops. Our approach is flexible and aims to listen to the needs of the individual and respond accordingly.