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14:19 Fund Report 2011 - Inspiring Scotland


14:19 Fund Report 2011

2011 marked the three year milestone for the 14:19 Fund and I am pleased to report it is successfully achieving exactly what it set out to – supporting disadvantaged
young people across Scotland into employment, education or training. These initial three years have provided £19.2 million of direct cash investment in the ventures in the 14:19 Fund portfolio, with an additional £14 million in cash leveraged by ventures.


FAQ’s Delivering Equally Safe Fund


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Video – Charity Resilience: Governance

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Realising the potential in our communities: A synthesis of three years of learning from Link Up

For decades, and despite millions of pounds of investment, Governments and public agencies have struggled to change the experience of many people living in Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities. Problems of low life expectancy, low levels of employment and educational attainment persist. Link Up set-out to prove that creating the right conditions for change and the

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