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14:19 Fund Report 2015 - Inspiring Scotland


14:19 Fund Report 2015

Inspiring Scotland’s 14:19 Fund has an impressive track record from a standing start in January 2009, with over 20,000 disadvantaged young people across Scotland supported into positive destinations of employment, education or training to December 2015.
2015 saw 14:19 Fund ventures operating at scale and delivering significant growth in social impact, both in terms of the number of young people supported and the number achieving positive destinations, an increase of 23% compared with 2014. The 14:19 Fund, a 10-year fund, is currently on track to support 35,000 young people into positive destinations.


Loose Parts Play Toolkit

Welcome to the second edition of the Loose Parts Play Toolkit. In this edition, we have tried to reflect the changing context. Loose parts for play are a more familiar sight, but their introduction is still providing a learning and development experience for adults and organisations, as much as for children. With this in mind,

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Inspiring Scotland 2017 Overview

When Inspiring Scotland was formed in 2008, we wanted to tackle some of the long-term, entrenched social problems faced by Scotland’s people and communities. Since then, we have transformed 100,000s of lives, supported more than 300 charities, built a network of more than 350 professional pro bono volunteers and managed £120m of funding for Scotland’s

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14:19 Fund Academic Review

An academic review commissioned by Inspiring Scotland and written by Mike Danson and Joanne Macfarlane assessing the impact and continued requirement for the role of the third sector in combating youth unemployment through programmes like 14:19 Fund.  

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