Slide 1 – Introduction
Hi. I’m Chris Smith, and I’m a member of the Equality and Human Rights team here at Inspiring Scotland. This short webinar will take you through how to fill in the Excel budget form that has to be submitted as part of an application to the Equality and Human Rights fund.
The budget form can be found and download from the Equality and Human Rights fund page on the Inspiring Scotland website by clicking on the “Applying to the Equality and Human Rights Fund” link, halfway down the page, and then clicking on the “EHR Fund application budget form.” A copy will be downloaded on to your computer, which you can then open and save on to your computer. It may appear in the bottom left of your screen, or if you cannot see it there, you’ll find it in the “Downloads” folder on your computer.
Slide 2 – The budget form
The budget form is an Excel file with a number of worksheets, or tabs, for you to enter the information for each year you’re applying for funding. The fields you can fill in are white. Other fields may be calculated and filled in automatically from information you’ve entered.
On the budget form, we are asking you to provide a detailed breakdown of only the funding you are requesting from the Equality and Human Rights fund.
To complete the budget form, please start on the first worksheet or tab, called “Staffing Year One.” Fill in the name of the applicant and the title of the proposed work. These should be the same as those entered at the start of the online application. Fill in the job title for each post you are applying for. These job titles will then automatically pre-fill the staffing worksheets for years two and three on the budget form.
It’s important that you include on the “Year One Staffing” worksheet all the posts that you are applying for, even if you’re not asking for funding for that post in year one, as you will not be able to add them directly on to worksheets for years two and three. These also include staff who will be providing management and administration support. There is space for up to fifteen posts.
If you are applying for more than fifteen posts, please combine staff with the same job title on to one line, and enter how many are being applied for. For example, “three development officers.” If after combining similar posts, you still don’t have enough lines for all the funded staff, please contact the Equality and Human Rights team at Inspiring Scotland.
If you’re applying for fifteen or less staff, please use a separate line for each post, even if they are the same job title.
For each post, please provide the name of the post holder, or enter “vacant” if the post has not yet been filled. Please enter the number of hours per week funding is being applied for for that post, the gross full-time salary for that post, the gross pro-rata salary for the hours being applied for, the employer’s national insurance contribution for the hours being applied for, and the employer’s pension contribution for the hours being applied for. The total cost for each post will be calculated automatically and pre-filled in the budget worksheet tab. In the last column, please enter from the options in the dropdown box: E, if the post already exists within your organisation, or NP, if the post will be a new post being created if the application is successful.
If you are applying for more than fifteen staff and have combined posts, please enter on the line for the combined posts:
Once you have filled in “Year One Staffing Worksheet”, you can move on to Years Two and Three. The staff posts will have been pre-filled from the Year One worksheet.
Slide Three – Completing the form
For each post, please provide:
Please leave blank any job post that you are not seeking funding for for that year. The total cost will be calculated automatically and pre-filled on the budget worksheet, or tab.
As with the previous worksheets, if you are applying for more than fifteen staff and have combined posts, please enter the total for the number of staff you have combined. That is except from the gross full-time salary for the post, which should be for the post only, not the combined salaries.
Once the staffing worksheets or tabs have been completed, you can move on to the budget worksheet.
Slide Four – The budget worksheet
You will find that on the budget worksheet the name of the applicant, the title of the post and the staffing costs for each year of the funded project will have been pre-filled from the information provided on the staffing worksheets. On the budget worksheet there is then space for you to enter the additional staff costs, contribution to overheads, and other programme or delivery costs.
Additional staff costs are likely to be recruitment costs, staff expenses, staff training, or sessional staff. Contributions to overheads are likely to be costs such as rent and rates, insurance, utilities such as gas and electricity, and professional fees, for example for the audit or independent examination of accounts. Other programme or delivery costs are likely to be costs such as inclusive communication, venue hire, publicity or other costs that are likely to be directly related to the delivery of services. Under each category, list the separate costs appropriate for your activities that you require funding for. If there are not enough lines, combine similar costs. For example, rents, rates, insurance and utilities could all be combined under “property costs.”
For items with an annual cost over £3000, we will expect to see an explanation of how that cost was arrived at, in question 4.2 on the application form. You can apply for core and capital costs with this fund. Some costs, such as volunteer expenses, training, or the purchase of equipment, could be listed under more than one cost category. Please list items under the category most appropriate for that item. For example, if you were applying for a specific piece of work, and want to purchase a laptop solely for a staff member delivering that work, it could be listed as “equipment” under “other programme and delivery costs.” If it was purchased for the use of anyone in the organisation, it might be listed as “equipment” under “contribution to overheads.” As with staffing, you can build into the budget anticipated increases to costs in years two and three. Please provide an explanation of the increases in question 4.2 of the application form.
As you fill in the costs you are applying for, the total expenditure will be calculated and automatically fill the EHR fund grant requested line at the top of the form, under the income section of the form.
The total expenditure and the “EHR fund grant requested” for each year in the budget should be the same as row B of question 4.1 in the application form.
Slide 5 – Conclusion
That’s a quick run-through of how to complete the EHR budget form. If you have any enquiries, please contact us at Thank you very much.
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