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A Practitioner’s Guide: Play and Wellbeing Tips - Inspiring Scotland


A Practitioner’s Guide: Play and Wellbeing Tips


 The power of play! 

This week’s blog is from us at Thrive to raise awareness of the benefits of play on a child’s mental health. As some of you may know it is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week and we thought it might be useful to offer up some handy tips and activities for practitioners with a special focus on allowing children to express themselves through play or indeed relax and quieten an anxious mind. Part of a practitioner’s role is being aware of a child’s mental wellbeing as well as their physical. It’s a lot easier to notice when a child is hurting physically but its sometimes trickier to notice when a child is struggling mentally. But the good thing is there is no right or wrong in outdoor play and the benefits of just playing are immense





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Practitioner Tips #2

Part of Thrive Outdoors Make Time For Outdoor Play – a downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play during COVID-19.

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How to Recruit Trustees

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