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A practitioner's guide: What to wear for children - Inspiring Scotland


A practitioner’s guide: What to wear for children


Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play.

“Help – I’m starting Outdoor Nursery, what should I wear?”

Being outside is so exciting, there is just so much to explore! But what should a mud-exploring little adventurer wear for outdoor nursery/forest kindergarten?  This guide takes a closer look at what a child might need to wear to be prepared for being outside.


Create a Mini Garden

  Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play. It’s time to get creative in the garden… Looking for something fun and outdoors to do with the kids this weekend? well it’s time to head to the garden to get creative! The garden is the perfect place for some outdoor

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Research Scotland Evaluation of Creative Communities Phase 1 November 2021

  The Creative Communities Programme is based on the belief that it is communities themselves who are best placed to articulate their needs and how to meet them. The Programme is therefore deliberately flexible, supporting a range of different initiatives and outcomes. We commissioned an independent evaluation of the programme from Research Scotland. The evaluation

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14:19 Fund Focus of Investment

This guidance was published in 2008 to coincide with the launch of the 14:19 Fund and outlines the focus of the investment.

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