This webinar has been designed to support those who are applying to Delivering Equally Safe as a partnership.
This webinar is part of a series designed to support you as you develop your application to the fund
Slide 1: Welcome
Hi and welcome to this webinar – where we will discuss applying to Delivering Equally Safe as a partnership.
This webinar is part of a series designed to support you as you develop your application to the fund
Slide 2: Meet the team
My name is Amy McLaren and I am a part of the Delivering Equally Safe team here at Inspiring Scotland. We are working on behalf of the Scottish Government to manage the Delivering Equally Safe Fund. On this slide you can see some of the other members of our team too.
Slide 3: What we’ll cover
This webinar is designed to support you if you are applying to Delivering Equally Safe as part of a partnership. Over the next 10 mins or so, we will discuss:
Slide 4: Partnership Applications Welcome
Applications to the fund are welcomed by organisations working in partnership because the Scottish Government recognize the success of realising the vision of Equally Safe is dependent upon organisations being able to work collaboratively.
Partnerships allow different organisations to bring together expertise, experience, relationships and trust in order to deliver better outcomes for women and girls, and for Scottish society as a whole.
We are particularly interested in partnership projects which:
Slide 5: Changes to Eligibility
Previously guidance around partnership applications stated that only a third sector organisation could be a lead partner however, following an update from the Scottish Government on 24th March, local authorities are now eligible to act as the lead partner in a partnership application too.
This change was made based on feedback from local partnerships and potential applicants who highlighted that, in some areas, third sector organisations didn’t have the capacity to lead on partnership projects and that sometimes local authorities were best placed to act as lead partner.
You can find out more about this update on our website or listen to our Webinar which discusses the changes made to Delivering Equally Safe.
Slide 6: Before you begin
There are a couple of key points to be aware of before you start to complete the application form for a partnership.
Firstly, make sure you use the correct form. There is a separate application form for partnerships and this is available on our website.
You should identify an organisation to lead on your partnership application – they can be a third sector organisations or, where more suitable, a local authority,
A lead organization can only submit one partnership application as a lead partner however, supporting partners can be listed on multiple applications.
The lead organisation for a partnership application is still eligible to submit a separate application to the fund specific to their organisation.
Do please think about your capacity to deliver the work outlined when considering being part of multiple applications.
Slide 7: Building a strong partnership
Whilst partnerships are important, they do take work from all the partners involved to make them successful.
Do consider whether the cultures of the partners, and the different ways of working will work well together.
Make sure you have worked together on what the partnership processes will be, what governance is needed to ensure the partnership works well, and who will provide what information etc.
Slide 8: Development time
We recognise that successful partnership working takes time and investment on all sides, and whilst individuals are often key to making this happen, with the right frameworks in place, successful partnerships can endure even as individuals move on.
Delivering Equally Safe can support partnership approaches to projects or service delivery, which include up to 6-9 months of partnership development time prior to direct delivery of the work taking place. This includes supporting staffing costs.
Partnership development time may allow organisations the opportunity to put in place memoranda of understanding or equivalent governance systems to ensure that the partnership can be sustained effectively once delivery commences. The duration of partnership development time will be dependent upon factors such as
Additional factors, such as the locations of organisations (particularly those in rural and island communities), may also be relevant.
Partnership proposals should include a rationale for the duration of partnership development time applied for. This can be revised if circumstances change. If successful in receiving funding, partners will work with Inspiring Scotland to confirm milestones within the partnership development time to ensure that project delivery.
Slide 9: Application Section 1
Moving on to the application itself.
Section 1 of the application is where you tell us about the organisations who will be involved in the partnership.
Please make it very clear who is the lead partner in this section.
All partners are required to complete all of the questions in this section.
For example, in question 1.13 you are asked to tell us how your organisation engages with the National Violence Against Women Network and/or your local multi agency partnerships
To answer this question each individual organisation involved in the partnership needs to tell us about the national and local partnerships they engage with.
Slide 10: Application Section 2
Moving on now to section 2. This section gives you the opportunity to tell us what activities you’d like funded and the impact of the proposed partnership.
Unlike section one where each partner completes the questions asked, in this section each question is only answered once.
Use this section to tell us about what the partnership is looking to deliver and why, the activities you are planning and the expected impact of this work.
Slide 11: Application Section 2
Moving on to a few tips about specific questions in section 2.
Question 2.3 asks why you have chosen to work together and what strengths and experience each partner brings. In your answer you should clearly identify which partners are leading or delivering different project activities.
Question 2.10 asks applicants to describe their plan for delivery of the proposed activity. In your response to this question please tell us about;
Slide 12: Application Section 3
In section 3 of the application we are looking for information about the staff and volunteers who will deliver the applied for activity. There is guidance on this section in the Information and Application Guidance notes.
In this section you should include information detailing which partner will employ specific staff members or volunteers.
Slide 13: Application Section 5
The final section we want to discuss Section 5.
In this section we are asking for partnerships to sign the declaration form for partnership applicants.
Please note that there is a different declaration form for partnership applications and ensure that you are using the correct form.
The lead applicant should provide two signatories and an independent referee while other partners should provide two signatories.
You can include all the details of partner signatures in the one declaration document.
Slide 14: Before you submit
Few final pointers, that may seem obvious, for you to consider before pressing submit:
Slide 15: Thank you
Thanks listening to this webinar. If you have any other questions please do get in touch.
To access all our support for applying to this fund please visit our webpage. Details are on the slide.
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