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Equality and Human Rights Webinar 4 - Impact and Outcomes - Inspiring Scotland


Equality and Human Rights Webinar 4 – Impact and Outcomes

EHR Webinar 4 – Impact and Outcomes (video and transcription)

Slide 1 – Introduction

Hello, and thank you for watching this webinar which is about the impact and outcomes of the Equality and Human Rights Fund. My name is Holly and I am a member of the Equality and Human Rights Team at Inspiring Scotland.

Slide 2 – Framework

Within the Fund Guidance notes there is information on a strategic framework for funding. There is a diagram which sets out fund inputs, outputs, and outcomes and impact and relating it all back to the national performance framework and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This framework will be used to learn about the delivery and impact of funded organisations. We are therefore asking all applicants to tell us how the activity they propose contributes to the intermediate and longer-term outcomes in the framework.

Slide 3 – Intermediate Outcomes

There are five intermediate outcomes. These are:

  • People have greater awareness of their human rights and how to access them.
  • People with protected characteristics have increased access to remedy where their rights have not been upheld.
  • People with protected characteristics have increased participation in public life.
  • People with protected characteristics have increased influence in decisions that affect them.
  • The Scottish Government has better access to data and depth of information about the experiences of people with protected characteristics.

Slide 4 – Longer Term Outcomes

There are also three longer-term outcomes which are:

  • Actors in civil society increasingly use Scotland’s domestic and international equality and human rights framework to influence and effect change.
  • The experience of people with protected characteristics is increasingly used to inform the policy and practice of public bodies.
  • Public services increasingly embed equality and human rights in their strategic planning and their day-to-day functions.

It is important to look at these and select which outcomes you think your work does or could contribute to. You don’t need to select all of them, just the ones that are relevant to the work you want funded.

Slide 5 – Protected Characteristics

As we have mentioned in the other videos the Fund will support work that advances human rights, promotes equality, and tackles discrimination.  And as I mentioned on the previous slides, some of the outcomes refer to people with protected characteristics.

Under the Equality Act 2010 it is illegal to discriminate against, or harass someone, because of a protected characteristic. These include age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

For the purposes of this funding programme, the outcomes refer in particular to age, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability, and race.

The other protected characteristics are led by other Scottish Government portfolios and there are some different strands of funding with a focus on community cohesion and inclusion being developed. More information on those funding arrangements will be available after the Scottish parliamentary election in May 2021.

Slide 6 – Contact us

Thanks for watching this webinar. In the next video Louise will talk about how to apply and what to submit with your application.  Our contact details are there on the screen; follow us on social media for more information and support or get in touch if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.


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