EHR Webinar 5 – How to apply (video and transcription)
Slide 1 – Introduction
This webinar is about how to apply.
Slide 2 – Welcome
My name is Louise and I work in the Equalities and Human Rights Team at Inspiring Scotland.
Slide 3 – How to apply
The Guidance notes have an entire section of information on how to apply with guidance on the information we are looking for in the individual application questions.
Take your time to read through all of this, and then register your interest via the Inspiring Scotland Website. When you do this, you will have a chance to ask any questions which we will include in a FAQ document.
We will also provide pre-application support sessions and publish top tip webinars on the application form so keep an eye on @IS_EqualityHR on twitter for information. We will also let you know about this through emails sent to the address you register with.
You can also contact the fund through the EHRenquiries@inspiringscotland email address.
Slide 4 – Don’t Forget
There are some documents to submit with your application.
We have a full list of these in the guidance notes and on our website where you can also download a budget template and the application declaration form.
Alongside the application form you need to submit:
Slide 5 – Submit online by May 14
Applications are to be submitted online through the link we send you when you register. We also have templates of the questions we ask in the application form which we strongly recommend you download and use to prepare your application form.
When you have completed it and have all the documents you need to apply then start your online submission and make sure it is with us by midday on 14 May.
Thank you!
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