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What good looks like: Service Delivery - Inspiring Scotland


What good looks like: Service Delivery

Welcome to What good looks like: Service Delivery, the third of our best practice guides, prepared in partnership with Survivor charities. Other guides will be added as part of the ‘What good looks like’ work.

If you are interested in taking part in this or would like any additional information, please contact either Debbie McColgan or Angela Jamieson.


Resource: Covid-19 weekly intelligence gathering

Each week Inspiring Scotland staff produce a Covid-19 intelligence report providing an overview of the key issues being reported by the 300 charities Inspiring Scotland supports across its funds. These initially were developed as an internal resource to help highlight issues as they emerge, help to predict what is needed in the months ahead, and

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Video – Charity Resilience: Teamwork

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Impact of gender-based violence and abuse on the mental health needs of women, young people and children

Evidence from the Delivering Equally Safe (DES) funded organisations and from other studies has shown that “experiences of violence and abuse against women, young people and children can be the cause of mental ill health, and those experiences can exacerbate existing mental health issues.” A report has been pulled together looking the evidence of the

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