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What good looks like: Service Delivery - Inspiring Scotland


What good looks like: Service Delivery

Welcome to What good looks like: Service Delivery, the third of our best practice guides, prepared in partnership with Survivor charities. Other guides will be added as part of the ‘What good looks like’ work.

If you are interested in taking part in this or would like any additional information, please contact either Debbie McColgan or Angela Jamieson.


Autism Innovation & Development Report

The purpose of this paper is to provide a six monthly progress report from Inspiring Scotland on the impact of the Autism Innovation and Development Portfolio activity during the period 1st April 2016 to 30th September 2016. We have looked at what activities have been delivered and what impact this is having. It ties together

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Practitioner’s Guide Bite-sized tips: Risky Play

This week’s practitioner’s guide features bite-sized tips on encouraging risky play in the our communities from guest contributor Robert Kennedy, Baltic Street Adventure Playground. These informative tips link in with our latest podcast episode! #TuesdayTips

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Case study- Under The Trees

This case study was created to showcase how an organisation has used Scotland’s Play Ranger Toolkit successfully and how the key learning from the toolkit has been embedded into their day to day services. We sat down with Under the trees to hear more about how they have used the toolkit and some of the successes and

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