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What good looks like: Staff Expertise in Trauma Awareness and Training - Inspiring Scotland


What good looks like: Staff Expertise in Trauma Awareness and Training

Welcome to What good looks like: Staff Expertise in Trauma Awareness and Training , the second of our best practice guides, prepared in partnership with Survivor charities.  Other guides will be added as part of the ‘What good looks like’ work.

If you are interested in taking part in this or would like any additional information, please contact either Debbie McColgan or Angela Jamieson.


Glossary – Third Sector jargon-busting

Inspiring Scotland’s guide to Third Sector jargon for charity leaders.

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Webinar 5-Changes to the Delivering Equally Safe Fund

This webinar covers recent changes to the Delivering Equally Safe Fund. This is part of a series of five webinars which are available to support you as you develop your application to the fund. Transcript Slide 1: Welcome Welcome to this Webinar where we will be discussing recent changes to the Delivering Equally Safe Fund.

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Inspiring Scotland 2017 Overview

When Inspiring Scotland was formed in 2008, we wanted to tackle some of the long-term, entrenched social problems faced by Scotland’s people and communities. Since then, we have transformed 100,000s of lives, supported more than 300 charities, built a network of more than 350 professional pro bono volunteers and managed £120m of funding for Scotland’s

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