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Insights: Disadvantaged young people: the depth of the impact of Covid 19 - Inspiring Scotland


Insights: Disadvantaged young people: the depth of the impact of Covid 19

Disadvantaged young people: the depth of the impact of Covid 19 is the third in a series of insight papers around youth unemployment.


07 Kangaroos and frogs

Part of Thrive Outdoors Make Time For Outdoor Play – a downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play during COVID-19.

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Video: Outdoor Play, Health and Wellbeing

What happens when we spend more time outdoors? Zoe Sills from Earthtime for All in Elgin, explains the benefits of outdoor play-based learning for adults and children in Scotland. (C19A)

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Thursday Think Piece-Connection to Nature

  For our first Thursday Think Piece we have a longer more informative blog from Jo Fitzpatrick- Learning Outdoors Development Officer here at Thrive Outdoors. This blog is a continuation on from Jo’s Tuesday Tips on the same subject of ‘Connection to Nature.    

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