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intandem 2020 2021 impact report - Inspiring Scotland


intandem 2020 2021 impact report

2020/2021intandem report highlights the incredible dedication of our mentors and resilience of our young people during this difficult year. The stories of intandem mentees in the report bring to life the true impact of mentoring on intandem’s young people, many of whom have overcome challenges to achieve incredible outcomes. Feedback from parents and guardians show the extent to which mentoring relationships can positively influence not just young people, but their home lives and families, too.


Working Together: Inspiring Scotland in 2019

? We support essential charities to become extraordinary charities, enabling them to support the people and communities in Scotland that experience inequality and help them to change their lives for the better. We do it because we want a healthy, happy and thriving Scotland, without poverty or disadvantage. Introducing Working Together, the 2019 Annual Review of our

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Inspiring Scotland Insights October 2020

  Inspiring Scotland’s monthly intelligence report, providing an overview of key issues being reported by charities supported across its funds. Initially developed as an internal resource, these reports help to highlight issues as they emerge, predict what is needed in the months ahead, and explore how we can best respond collectively. We also believe this

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Active Play Prospectus 2019

Active Play promotes greater physical activity for Scotland’s children in a way that is fun, inclusive and active. It contributes directly to Curriculum for Excellence outcomes in health and wellbeing. The Active Play programme runs for a minimum of 10 weeks and is targeted at a whole Primary 3 or 4 class and helps improve

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