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intandem impact report - Inspiring Scotland


intandem impact report

Find out more about what intandem does in the intandem impact report 2019


Play Champions Toolkit

This Play Champion Toolkit is designed to support partners working with Primary schools to engage in more activity that is playful within their school day. It outlines a programme, which play workers can use to support primary school children to become ‘leaders’ of play. It is designed for play charities working with schools, school staff

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Introduction to Charity Governance

Apart from the individuals a charity aims to help, board members/trustees are the VIPs. And it is the diversity of these individuals, that can lead to either the make or break of a charity work.

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Loose Parts Play Toolkit

Welcome to the second edition of the Loose Parts Play Toolkit. In this edition, we have tried to reflect the changing context. Loose parts for play are a more familiar sight, but their introduction is still providing a learning and development experience for adults and organisations, as much as for children. With this in mind,

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