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Link Up’s relevance to a Healthier Scotland - Inspiring Scotland


Link Up’s relevance to a Healthier Scotland

Focusing on some of Scotland’s most deprived communities, Link Up is making a significant contribution to the delivery of the Scottish Government’s commitment to reduce health inequalities and improve health by:

1. Addressing the social determinants of health, widely recognised as key to addressing health inequalities and setting foundations for positive change
2. Growing individuals’ self-confidence, rekindling a sense of self-worth and self-belief, and motivating their desire to live well
3. Offering skilled workers who have the capacity to support people through complex situations and health conditions
4. Providing a cost-effective way to reduce demand on health services

Download the resource to find out more.


Link Up’s Relevance in a Justice context

Link Up is making a significant contribution to the delivery of Scottish Government’s Justice Strategy by: • Addressing the psycho-social factors that can cause individual criminal activity or increase the risk of unintentional harm. • Giving individuals the support, confidence and skills to choose alternative life-courses. • Building social connections & community trust, making people

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FAQ’s Delivering Equally Safe Fund


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Self-directed Support Innovation Fund Progress Report: Year 1 April 2015 – March 2016

The National Strategy for Self Directed Support (SDS) in Scotland recognises the need to build capacity of providers and develop the workforce to support the effective implementation and delivery of SDS. The SDS Innovation Fund (2015-2018) aims to support innovation and the piloting of different service models as well as help develop the capacity of

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