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Link Up’s relevance to a Healthier Scotland - Inspiring Scotland


Link Up’s relevance to a Healthier Scotland

Focusing on some of Scotland’s most deprived communities, Link Up is making a significant contribution to the delivery of the Scottish Government’s commitment to reduce health inequalities and improve health by:

1. Addressing the social determinants of health, widely recognised as key to addressing health inequalities and setting foundations for positive change
2. Growing individuals’ self-confidence, rekindling a sense of self-worth and self-belief, and motivating their desire to live well
3. Offering skilled workers who have the capacity to support people through complex situations and health conditions
4. Providing a cost-effective way to reduce demand on health services

Download the resource to find out more.


Case study- Under The Trees

This case study was created to showcase how an organisation has used Scotland’s Play Ranger Toolkit successfully and how the key learning from the toolkit has been embedded into their day to day services. We sat down with Under the trees to hear more about how they have used the toolkit and some of the successes and

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Voices of Young People Report by Research Scotland

This report sets out findings from a survey of the young people and staff involved in the Our Future Now programme. 2024 marks the mid-point of Our Future Now and  Inspiring Scotland wished to explore young people’s experiences of the fund and the difference it was making – to inform the next five years of

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Link Up’s Relevance in a Justice context

Link Up is making a significant contribution to the delivery of Scottish Government’s Justice Strategy by: • Addressing the psycho-social factors that can cause individual criminal activity or increase the risk of unintentional harm. • Giving individuals the support, confidence and skills to choose alternative life-courses. • Building social connections & community trust, making people

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