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Link Up’s Relevance in a Justice context - Inspiring Scotland


Link Up’s Relevance in a Justice context

Link Up is making a significant contribution to the delivery of Scottish Government’s Justice Strategy by:

• Addressing the psycho-social factors that can cause individual criminal activity or increase the risk of unintentional harm.
• Giving individuals the support, confidence and skills to choose alternative life-courses.
• Building social connections & community trust, making people proud of where they live & supporting them to look out for each other.
• Stimulating community-led action to increase community resilience and development.

Download the resource to find out more.


Practitioners Guide Bite-sized tips: Adapting spaces for inclusive outdoor play

This guide offers some short tips on ways to make your play space for inclusive for families with additional support needs.

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Practitioners Guide: Ok to Play

  This week’s guest blog is from Susan Humble- Play Development Officer at East Lothian Play Association. In this blog she discusses how eye-catching “Ok to play” signs are popping up all over East Lothian promoting children’s right to play and East Lothian Play Association (ELPA) top tips for getting your play message out there.

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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Peer Support Evaluation Toolkit

This toolkit has been designed to be a practical guide for organisations who want to design, develop and deliver an evaluation plan for perinatal and infant mental health peer support services. 

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