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Loose Parts Play Toolkit 2019 edition - Inspiring Scotland


Loose Parts Play Toolkit 2019 edition

We are pleased to announce the publication of the revised edition of the Loose Parts Play Toolkit. The updated Toolkit provides a greater focus on helping adults develop the skills to support inclusive, all-weather outdoor play in Scotland and encourage them to allow children to play in a less structured and more imaginative manner.

Since 2016, when it was first published under Scotland’s Play Strategy, we have seen a burgeoning of loose parts play in schools and nurseries, play, care, childminding and out of school settings. It has also spread across the world and been adapted by play organisations in Wales, Australia and New Zealand.

In this edition, we have tried to reflect this changing context. Loose parts for play are a more familiar sight, but their introduction is still providing a learning and development experience for adults and organisations, as much as for children.

With this in mind, this edition offers:

  • a greater focus on skills that help adults to facilitate loose parts play sensitively and respectfully
  • more starting points to link loose parts play with education, curriculum, wellbeing, social and care contexts
  • a wider range of ‘snapshots’ and case studies illustrating real-life application of loose parts play theory in the field
  • more pages to print, photocopy and share.

Support in the Right Direction Fund Interim Progress Report: Year 2 April-September 2016

The Support in the Right Direction Fund (2015-18) aims to build the capacity and availability of independent support services across Scotland. £1.36 million has been invested in 36 projects in the first half of Year 2 (1 April 2016 – 30 September 2016).

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A Practitioner’s Guide: Creativity in the outdoors

  Time to embrace getting creative outdoors! This week’s guest blog is from Matt Searles -Head of Learning at Jupiter Artland. In this blog he shares his thoughts on taking a creative approach to outdoor learning and more on learning creativity in the outdoors.      

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Scotland’s National Outdoor Play and Learning Position Statement Relaunch: Campaign Toolkit

  Show your support and commitment to the statement by sharing the key messages within this toolkit on social media. To make this easier for you we have created a social media graphic to be used on social media and accompanying text for you to simply copy and paste into your own social media posts!

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