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A Practitioners' Guide: ‘We can't live without’ - Inspiring Scotland


A Practitioners’ Guide: ‘We can’t live without’

What are the top must-have tips for Outdoor ELC?

We asked outdoor practitioners from across the country for their ultimate all time TOP TIP. For tips that save your socks and your sanity, look no further!


Insight Paper – Employer Links

This second youth unemployment focused Insight paper by the Our Future Now team outlines the importance of employer engagement in enabling young people with the most challenging lives to compete in the face of fewer opportunities and greater competition for jobs. These young people face considerable disadvantage and the support delivered by the portfolio is

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Webinar 2-Setting your budget for Delivering Equally Safe

Transcript Slide 1: Welcome Welcome to this webinar where we will be looking at developing your outcomes for your application to Delivering Equally Safe. This is part of a series of webinars which will include advice on completing your application, developing partnership applications and your outcomes and activities. Slide 2: Meet the team My name

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Thursday Think Piece-Connection to Nature

  For our first Thursday Think Piece we have a longer more informative blog from Jo Fitzpatrick- Learning Outdoors Development Officer here at Thrive Outdoors. This blog is a continuation on from Jo’s Tuesday Tips on the same subject of ‘Connection to Nature.    

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