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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund Update Report - September 2023 - Inspiring Scotland


Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund Update Report – September 2023

This update from our Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PIMH) fund follows the stories of families who have been supported by the partner charities. These stories highlight the kind, compassionate approach and life changing impact that the third sector has on families and babies, and shows how the work which is being delivered helps to achieve the overall outcomes of this fund.

Headlines from the report include: 

  • Over 10,000 people have been supported by this fund since 2020
  • Life changing support due to the relationships built by the third sector (as illustrated by the outcome data, case studies and testimonials throughout)
  • Challenges including increased demand, complexity of cases, difficulties in raising funding and recruitment / retention

The PIMH team at Inspiring Scotland want to thank all the charities and families involved for letting them share their stories.


Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report 22/23

Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report 22/23 provides an overview of the work undertaken to deliver on  strategic priorities and mission to improve the lives of people across Scotland. In the period we supported over 700 organisations across 16 funding programmes worth over £50m. As well as new funding opportunities being created, nine of  programmes  provided vital

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Self-directed Support Innovation Fund Interim Progress Report: Year 2 April-September 2016

The Innovation Fund (2015-2018) aims to support innovation and develop the capacity of providers to develop the workforce and to support people to directly or indirectly purchase support. £0.58 million has been invested in 21 projects in the first half of Year 2 (1 April 2016 – 30 September 2016).

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Insights on the Cost of Living

Throughout autumn of 2022  Inspiring Scotland teams worked with portfolio partners to gather and share insights on what the pressure that the increased cost of living is having on people and the funded charities we support. Our fund teams gathered and shared information from portfolio partners about: How concerned they are about cost of living

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