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Research into Digital Exclusion in Scotland - Inspiring Scotland


Research into Digital Exclusion in Scotland

During Covid-19 we knew the levels of digital exclusion across Scotland would become forefront.

Our calls with charity leaders and frontline staff highlighted what we knew: Pre-existing inequality meant that people across Scotland were excluded from accessing support services  and that many of these services were compromised, reduced or couldn’t be delivered due to lack of connectivity.

The third sector has been quick, nimble and innovative in its response to mitigating this, however lack of equipment, connectivity and technological skills alongside those they were trying to help, has been a challenge.

As a funder and partner to the third sector we wanted to understand more about the digital landscape. This report was written by Anna Halliday, an Inspiring Scotland specialist volunteer  and provides an overview of the current digital exclusion landscape and  an excellent starting point to guide and inform our own work and help us understand what more we can do.

We are keen to share this learning for the greater good.

Please contact to join the discussion

Read the report here:

Digital Exclusion in Scotland Summary Report

Digital Exclusion in Scotland Final Full Report



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