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Scotland's Play Ranger Toolkit - Inspiring Scotland


Scotland’s Play Ranger Toolkit

Welcome to the newest edition of Scotland’s Play Ranger Toolkit.

Scotland’s Play Ranger Toolkit has been developed by Thrive Outdoors, in collaboration with a number of Scottish charities who use the Play Ranger model throughout their delivery of outdoor play provision.

With this in mind, this edition offers:

  • a greater focus on skills that help adults to facilitate sessions using the Play Ranger model
  • practical and step by step guidance on how to use the Play Ranger model within different settings
  • a wide range of ‘snapshots’ and case studies illustrating real-life application of the play ranger model in the field
  • more pages to print, photocopy and share

Link Up’s Relevance in a Justice context

Link Up is making a significant contribution to the delivery of Scottish Government’s Justice Strategy by: • Addressing the psycho-social factors that can cause individual criminal activity or increase the risk of unintentional harm. • Giving individuals the support, confidence and skills to choose alternative life-courses. • Building social connections & community trust, making people

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What good looks like: Service Delivery

Welcome to What good looks like: Service Delivery, the third of our best practice guides, prepared in partnership with Survivor charities. Other guides will be added as part of the ‘What good looks like’ work. If you are interested in taking part in this or would like any additional information, please contact either Debbie McColgan or Angela Jamieson.

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Delivering Equally Safe Fund Update

On the 24th March 2021, the Scottish Government and COSLA issued a joint statement on the Delivering Equally Safe fund. The statement, available in full below, outlines a number of important changes to the fund which have come in with immediate effect.    

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