The National Strategy for Self Directed Support (SDS) in Scotland recognises the need to build capacity of providers and develop the workforce to support the effective implementation and delivery of SDS. The SDS Innovation Fund (2015-2018) aims to support innovation and the piloting of different service models as well as help develop the capacity of practitioners and providers to implement SDS. In Year 1 of the Fund (April 2015 – March 2016) 21 projects spent £1.1 million developing and undertaking different innovation projects.
This week’s practitioner’s guide features bite-sized tips on encouraging outdoor play in the our communities from guest contributor Beth Reid, Programme and Development Coordinator at Kingsway Community Connections . These informative tips link in with our latest podcast episode! #TuesdayTips
Read MoreThe Delivering Equally Safe (DES) team at Inspiring Scotland have released a new report on the impact of funded activity tackling gender-based violence (GBV) between April 2022-September 2022. During the six-month period 23,439 people affected by GBV received frontline support from funded organisations and 27,541 people engaged in awareness raising and education sessions. The report highlights key
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