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The world's oldest toy - Inspiring Scotland


The world’s oldest toy


Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play.

The world’s oldest toy

What can you build with twigs and sticks…


A Practitioner’s Guide: Unpacking Pedagogy

What is pedagogy? It’s in all the documents, but we are not really sure what it is… Pedagogy is defined as the study of the methods and activities of teaching – but how does this relate to your work as an outdoor play practitioner? And how on earth do you pronounce it? Find out more

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Small Charity Cyber Security Guide

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Loose Parts Play Toolkit 2019 edition

We are pleased to announce the publication of the revised edition of the Loose Parts Play Toolkit. The updated Toolkit provides a greater focus on helping adults develop the skills to support inclusive, all-weather outdoor play in Scotland and encourage them to allow children to play in a less structured and more imaginative manner. Since

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