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Video: Your Support Your Choice - Inspiring Scotland


Video: Your Support Your Choice

A short animation from Dundee Carers Centre that explains self-directed support using text, narration and British Sign Language. The animation explains what self-directed support is, who it is for, and how to access it.


Active Play Prospectus 2019

Active Play promotes greater physical activity for Scotland’s children in a way that is fun, inclusive and active. It contributes directly to Curriculum for Excellence outcomes in health and wellbeing. The Active Play programme runs for a minimum of 10 weeks and is targeted at a whole Primary 3 or 4 class and helps improve

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Video: Outdoor ELC for Children: What do children think of their outdoor nursery?

What better way to hear what it’s like to attend an outdoor nursery in Scotland than from the children?

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Island Communities Fund 2021 Summary

A summary of the  Scottish Government’s  Island Community Fund.  This fund was delivered by Inspiring Scotland, invested 32.6M in 55 projects all focused on delivering a green economic recovery in Scotland’s Island communities.

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